Happy Thanksgiving!


The Legend
Feb 1, 2010
Reaction score
Waynesboro, VA
Alma Mater
James Madison
To all my brothers and sisters at BGO, have a wonderful Turkey Day! Go, overeat, lie around and groan, have fun!

Enjoy the Turkey and Football friends!
Posted via BGO Mobile Device
Each and every one of us has much to be thankful and grateful for today.

Happy Thanksgiving to all my friends here at BGO. Enjoy, eat lots.

Napping is both expected and forgivable, also-doze away if necessary
My family isn't getting together until Friday, but will try out the lying around and groaning thing today anyway :) Hope everyone gets some quality time with loved ones.

We're thankful you all found BGO and have stuck around :cheers:
Have a great holiday everyone.

My agenda includes eating some Virginia Tech mascot, watching football, watching the Cowboys lose, and spend time with family.

Edited to add...

It's snowing here - snow on Thanksgiving Day. Cool. It should change to rain in about an hour, but this is nice to see on a special holiday.
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Happy Thanksgiving, friends. Enjoy the kickoff to this very special time of year.



No, no, no. Not the holiday season. I mean the Cowboys being officially eliminated from the playoffs. :)
Happy Thanksgiving, friends. Enjoy the kickoff to this very special time of year.



No, no, no. Not the holiday season. I mean the Cowboys being officially eliminated from the playoffs. :)

So glad to see someone has there priorities in order! :claps:

Jason, I should be out to our campsite along the CSX tracks tomorrow. We are on site 23 if you want to come by. I will call and let you know when we should be there. It all depends on the rain.

Happy Thanksgiving everyone!

Gratitude is a gift I discovered long ago after going through my youth thinking I was entitled. At times when I lose sight of what's important in life, I remind myself of the men and women who serve in our military a world away from here, I think of my friend who works for Athlete Serving Athletes, a non-profit organization modeled after Team Hoyt (Google it), I think about those who are struggling in these tough times, and I thank God my needs are met!

As we all go into our food induced comas this afternoon/evening, please take the time to remember there are those who will go without this day.

God Bless you all! And Happy Thanksgiving once again!
Just be glad we've never been particularly interested in your land Ryman :)
Hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving and ate too much. Mine turned out great when Dallas lost.
Nice find Sarge - you are a wealth of 70's pop culture history :)
Am I the only one working today? Actually rather be here than out shopping.

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