Happy Birthday Air Force


To all my brothers and sisters out there that still go into harms way


9/17/2009 - WASHINGTON (AFNS) -- Adm. Michael Mullen, the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, sends his wishes to the men and women of the U.S. Air Force:

Sixty-two years ago, President Truman signed the National Security Act that created a separate service dedicated to protecting America's skies, ready to fly, fight and win around the globe. The birth of the U.S. Air Force initiated decades of unrivaled mastery of air and space operations that Airmen continue today with Global Vigilance, Reach and Power.
My Grandfather was a Colonel in the Air Force, though we lived on different ends of the states, I looked up to the man and appreciate/respect him to this day. I can tell you that his service @ Arlington National Cemetary was, while sad, one of the most awe inspiring events in my life.

Thank you to all who've served and continue to do so and be well.
Happy Birthday to my airborne friends - no doubt many a Marine has looked skyward and thanked you more personally and colorfully than I ever could.

Off we go...into the wild blue yonder! :cheers:

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