Greetings from Seattle


The Rookie
Aug 6, 2011
Reaction score
Puyallup, Washington
Military Branch
I am long time poster on ES and was referred to BGObsession by Boone been a Redskins Fan since 1976. I am a D.C. Area Transplant who lives in the Seattle Area now so I have attended the 2005 & 2007 playoff losses to the Seahawks.

Looking forward to see where Mike Shanahan takes the Burgundy & Gold!
Greetings, glad you're here! Enjoy your time, it's a lot of fun.

Referred by Boone, huh? Does he get a free month of Premier Membership outta that?


Good to see you, brother. Welcome. Boone will show you to your barstool. :)
Hey Fuji-

I met you in the lobby of the Skins hotel in Seattle for the '05 playoff game.

Thanks you everyone, it is good to be here!

you need to get with LJ if you already havent. she is another local fan of the skins in the seattle area.

Thanks I will look her up.

Hey Fuji-

I met you in the lobby of the Skins hotel in Seattle for the '05 playoff game.


Yes, I do remember meeting you in the lobby the day before the game and you wore your Burgundy Monte Coleman Jersey the next day to the tailgate and the game.
What's up, Fuji!! Good to see you here! The old days ES regulars are slowly trickling back over here, I love it!
Hey Fuji-

I met you in the lobby of the Skins hotel in Seattle for the '05 playoff game.


Despite the loss, that was a great time. Getting to meet you and Fuji were highlights :cheers:
Welcome to the fun. As per our tradition, you must also introduce yourself in the "Norm" thread (at the top) in the 5 O'Clock forum.

Hello Fuji! We rode on the bus together from the parking area to the stadium at Canton. I was the one snapping off a bunch of pictures of everyone!

Welcome aboard! Oh and great thread to prep us for Dallas Week!
Welcome to the fun. As per our tradition, you must also introduce yourself in the "Norm" thread (at the top) in the 5 O'Clock forum.


Who am I to mess with tradition, I posted on the "Norm" Thread

Hello Fuji! We rode on the bus together from the parking area to the stadium at Canton. I was the one snapping off a bunch of pictures of everyone!

Welcome aboard! Oh and great thread to prep us for Dallas Week!

Yes I do remember meeting you in Canton on the bus ride after the tailgate! That was a great weekend for Redskins Fans. I sat next to Rickey Sanders at the Induction Ceremony. He was the coolest guy; I chatted with him a little bit and anyone who wanted an autograph or a picture he would sign and take pictures.

Hey Fuji!! welcome!

You, me and couple others had a great Tailgate in 2008. I have a thread going for that here and ...some other site ;)

Anyway,someone told me there is construction going on where we tailgated in 08, can you check it out and let me know? I'd like to get that same spot. ( I will have a canopy and big Redskins flags this year)


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