Garrard released - think Shanahan goes after him?

  • Thread starter Lanky Livingston
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Lanky Livingston

Unbelievably, David Garrard has been released. Guess the Jags really like Gabbert! Think the Shanahans will go after him? Or are they sold on Rex & Beck?
Please no! He is a gamer, for sure. But his days as a #1 QB in this league are over. He is no better option than either of them in my estimation.
No, if we was 23 instead of 33 maybe.
prob not. we get our franchise guy next draft!!! why bring Garrard on board?
I think it is familiarity with the offense that Shanny likes in Grosssmen and Beck. Garrard will probably end up in Miami.
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Classless move by the Jags. They save 8 million and can now put Blaine Gabbert in at any time and no one will say a peep about it. Meanwhile, Garrard (who from everything I've seen has been a consummate pro during his time there) is royally screwed and has no chance of being a starter elsewhere.

Classless move by the Jags. They save 8 million and can now put Blaine Gabbert in at any time and no one will say a peep about it. Meanwhile, Garrard (who from everything I've seen has been a consummate pro during his time there) is royally screwed and has no chance of being a starter elsewhere.


Well, if Kerry Collins can come out of semi-retirement, and fill the shoes of a guy like Payton Manning, and start IMMEDIATELY, then there's hope for Garrard. I'm sure a team like the 49ers will at least give him a chance as a backup, making him at least one play away from being a starter. And he may have a great chance at revenge against JAX.
Maybe. But it's still a screw job that's pretty disrespectful of a player who's worked hard and been a company guy.
That would only be the case if there were 35 versions of 'pick him up for the vet minimum'.
Minor league move by a minor league franchise in a minor league town.

Will they still be named the Jaguars when moved to L.A.?
Why would we want to undermine the confidence of our starting QB 4 days before the start of a new season?

No, we're not interested.
I really expected to find this thread somewhere else. Not here.

No offense. :)

Thanks for the contribution!

stuff like this is why I never blame a player for trying to get money while they still have the upper hand. Garrard wasnt a great QB but he was solid and a consumate pro.

This is really the main reason I thought it would be an option; Garrard's professionalism. The dude fits the mold as to what the Shanahans are installing here in terms of a locker room atmosphere to a 'T'. Not to mention, I don't care what your opinions of him are, you have to agree he's more viable than John Beck.
Thanks for the contribution!

This is really the main reason I thought it would be an option; Garrard's professionalism. The dude fits the mold as to what the Shanahans are installing here in terms of a locker room atmosphere to a 'T'. Not to mention, I don't care what your opinions of him are, you have to agree he's more viable than John Beck.

actually I dont think he is more Viable than Beck, I think he has better a better pro resume, but Shannahan would know better if he fits shannys system or not (mcrapp debacle aside). besides tbh I dont want anymore aging vets, and Garrard has been beat up pretty bad.
No interest in Garrard at all. For 2011 we're invested in Rex and/or Beck. If neither proves to be the answer going forward in 2012, the Next Guy needs to be a kid with long-term upside, not another place-holding vet.

Like Gerrard well enough. Think he maxed out on his potential---something rare and admirable. Just don't consider him of any particular benefit to the Redskins at this point.

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