Game Day Information 2013

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BGO Founder
Jun 30, 2009
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Hail Game Day!

It's been a long 8 months filled with angst, excitement, rumor and innuendo. Tonight it ends and the important business of playing the actual games begin for the 2013 season.

Game Day.

Man, does that have a sweet sound, no?

Game day is a sacred occurrence, happening no more than a maximum of 25 times a year, assuming your team plays the HoF game to start the preseason and then closes out their season in the Super Bowl (having gotten there by way of a Wild Card game). Most fans will have to live with just 20 such high holidays a year and then they are back to waiting Free Agency and the Draft.

Revel in today for the days like it are few, my friends, and they are dear.

We at BGO would like to take a moment and mention options for sharing that revelry with your obsessed brethren of the B&G right here at our humble home.

  1. An official Game Day thread will be started by a BGO Staff Member in the Sons of Washington forum roughly an hour prior to kickoff.
  2. BGO Chat is up and running if you prefer something more real time. Please feel free to use it early and often. Join us by clicking on the 'Chatrooms' link at the bottom of any BGO page, and select the 'Fed Ex Field' chatroom.

As always, please remember What We're About here at BGO, regardless of which of these options you choose to avail yourselves of, and please temper all responses accordingly.

So where ever you are, sit back, crack a cold one and enjoy the first of the few holy gridiron days of this season. We certainly will be.

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