FB Oustiders: Week 2 DVOA Rankings

Lanky Livingston

Here are the Week 2 Rankings from football outsiders. The Redskins dropped to 13th after a very close win over the Cardinals.

Six of the seven 2-0 teams rank among the top seven so far this season. Washington is the odd man out, ranking just 13th after a very close win over Arizona. (If we had opponent adjustments at this point, Washington would be even lower... after all, it was Arizona.)

Detroit has moved into 2nd overall, and Buffalo dropped to 6th after a last-second victory over the lowly Raiders. KC, Seattle, St. Louis, Jax & Miami round out the lowly bottom 5.

On the OL stats, I was surprised to see twice as many runs left as right. I keep thinking most of our stretch plays are to the right. Shows how good my memery is eh?
On the OL stats, I was surprised to see twice as many runs left as right. I keep thinking most of our stretch plays are to the right. Shows how good my memery is eh?

Yeah, I think they're trying to get Silverback in a groove by running his direction a lot.

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