Favre? Indy? WTF?


The Legend
Feb 1, 2010
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Waynesboro, VA
Alma Mater
James Madison
The Indianapolis Colts could use some help at quarterback and the team’s tweetin’ owner reported Sunday that he was in Hattiesburg, Miss., retirement home of Brett Favre.

“Brad, I'm in Hattiesburg ... is it right or left at the Firechief?” Irsay tweeted, sending the sports world into a dither of speculation.

Bus Cook, Favre's agent, admitted that he has hadn’t spoken with Favre in a few days and added in an email, “Last time I saw him he was on his tractor mowing the back 40.”

When last pursued by a reporter, the Miami Herald’s Jeff Darlington, Favre seemed out of shape and said “I don’t have any interest” — in playing for the Miami Dolphins.

But the Dolphins aren’t the Colts, whose quarterbacking situation suddenly was revealed to be iffy Saturday, with Irsay tweeting that Peyton Manning may not be available for the season opener. Manning has missed all of training camp and preseason as he recovers from neck surgery in May and Colts President Bill Polian confirmed the concern Saturday. As for Irsay’s Sunday tweet, Colts General Manager Chris Polian declined to comment.


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