ESPN: Looks Like Kelly Will be Skins' No. 2 WR

  • Thread starter Lanky Livingston
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Lanky Livingston

Matt Mosely, in his NFC Beast blog, says Malcolm solidified his spot as the number 2 WR with his performance last night (and all preseason). If he stays healthy, with Moss as flanker and Randle-El permanently in his more-natural slot position, we will have a very nice corps. Thomas and Mitchell coming off the bench - I for one am excited to see what the passing game can do this year.
We'll have a nice corps if Randle-El can hold on to the ball. He should have caught that pass from JC last night.
This does not surprise me or disappoint me at all. By all accounts he has the best hands of the whole group and was certainly more polished than Thomas when we drafted him. My only concern with him has be how fragile he seems to be but hopefully that is behind him now (at least for a while).
This does not surprise me or disappoint me at all. By all accounts he has the best hands of the whole group and was certainly more polished than Thomas when we drafted him. My only concern with him has be how fragile he seems to be but hopefully that is behind him now (at least for a while).

I think it is - he only missed 4 games in college, 3 of which were at the beginning of his freshman season, before he earned a spot (I think). The "fragile" moniker is undeserved, IMO.

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