Enough Was Enough for me

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Camp Fodder
Aug 5, 2009
Reaction score
Urbana, MD
I blew a gasket on another board.. I thought I'd share it with you guys.. Seemingly you guys are part of the old guard in which I loved being at that board in the first place. Just had enough, I'll replace that old sites bookmark with this one and I'm never returning again.

I find it ironic that the whole purpose of this website is to get behind the scenes of our favorite football team.. but the good content is left out or held a secret.

I mean, I don't care about hearing who got drunk with Larry Michael or what dude took home a hooker. I can careless about the smoozefest between the guys on this site and the people inside the organization.

But when it comes to actual content, yea some of it's good. But the constant BS of "I can't tell you right now" is lame. This isn't directed at (MOD), but it's directed at most of the other's who control this site.

That constant gets old and I can see why most of the past membership have moved on to other sites for one reason or another. The whole purpose was to get news about our team that you can't find anywhere else. Well, I don't see where that leg up on this site anymore. It's becoming predictable as Jason LaConfora's lame duck tweets.

Maybe I just remember this site when it was actually addicticing to sit here and hit refresh all day long waiting for something to drop before it got out to the media. Now all I get is we need it to rain and after the rain we need the sun to come up and if there is a remote possibility that what I said happens, then I'll bash the reporters and say they got their information from us. Well, that just flat out sucks in my opinion.

When I say content, for instance the stuff that (MOD) and that crew posts about observations and the goings on with football or football operations. That's good information. Whatever happened to actual interviews? What happened to the readers having a voice to ask questions to people that are interviewed? For god sakes, what happened to the Doc Walker segment that we use to have? Listening to him gave us more insight then doing an interview with the Head Athletic Trainer.. Just a few examples.. I can go on and on.. but you get the picture.
I can't speak for the Owners of this board, but I'm pretty sure this isn't the place for the airing of grievances against any other boards.

Plus...its not even Festivus season yet!! :)
Ya man I think a lot of us here are displaced members of other communities that have their share of rants built up. I was an admin at another site and bailed over unhappiness after being in the same haunt for close to 15 years. It happens. Better to just start clean slate here and leave all of the fluff from other sites behind. BGO's version of don't ask don't tell. ;)
What CounterTrey said :)
You may think you know, but you don't know.
Lanky rules.
Lanky rules.


First order of business:
1) You must ALL read my posts and laugh or comment when appropriate.
2) ALL of my posts must be voted to BGO Overdrive
3) NEVER will....


Oh....you meant figuratively not literally? Oh, I see, that's still pretty....

what....you were being sarcastic? So I don't figuratively or literally rule? Awwww MAN! What's the point of even POSTING if all attention is not on MEEEEE!!!
I can't speak for the Owners of this board, but I'm pretty sure this isn't the place for the airing of grievances against any other boards.

Plus...its not even Festivus season yet!! :)

Beat me to it:laugh:

Perhaps feats of strength!
Hey SKF,

and welcome.
I think everybody here is here for one reason or another. Either they just wanted a change, to try to jump on something new and be a part of something new, met an ill fate with a ban hammer or it was just time to move on.

Either way many veteran Redskin message board posters will recognize some of the people here. I know what Boone and Om bring to the table so I knew this would be the place for me as a regular poster.

And the great thing about BGO is that it has the classic "home" feel of another site before a certain merger, yet has come up with some highly original ideas that makes it better. I also appreciate how this is a content oriented site and gets better based on what the members bring to the site.

That said, the site for which you speak is still a great site and there are people there who work very hard to keep the ginormous site in check. And trust me, you may still pop in there every once in a while just to see what's going on after taking a hiatus from it.
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Yea, I know it's not the best thing to do... But I just wanted to convey some of the reason why most of us are over here and split off from the mothership. It really wasn't about bitching about that particular site.

I remember most of everyone here from that other site anyway.. so it should just be like old times again.
I blew a gasket on another board.. I thought I'd share it with you guys.. Seemingly you guys are part of the old guard in which I loved being at that board in the first place. Just had enough, I'll replace that old sites bookmark with this one and I'm never returning again....

I was actually one who responded to your comment on the other site. And as noted you made alot of valid points that i actually agree with. However, as another poster stated, you may fair better just to leave that alone. Don't hold any grudge, its not worth your blood pressure.
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Wow, i wondered where you guys went? I really missed reading some of your posts from the other site, especially Sarge in the tailgate, since i'm probably a liberal hippy in his opinion.:daisy:

I just stumbleded across this site today reading the post OM posted at ES. I got the banhammer over there about 2 yrs ago. I deserved it, but i had a serious medical issue where i developed a form of schizophrenia. I got treated and i'm perfectly fine today and have been for 2yrs with no daily medication needed. My name at ES was ProBowler, maybe some remember.:anonymous:

I considered writing a PM to TK and explainning my situation, but i was embarassed about my situation, and really, maybe for reasons posted by the OP, i just didn't feel like posting there any longer. It has become pretty predictable over there imo.

Anyway, i don't post much anywhere nowdays, but i'm glad i caught up with some of my favorite posters from ES and look forward to reading your opinions here.
Welcome to the board guys.

Before we can teach you the secret handshake though we need to know where you stand on the idea of new uniforms, specifically black ones. :twitch:
Wow, i wondered where you guys went? I really missed reading some of your posts from the other site, especially Sarge in the tailgate, since i'm probably a liberal hippy in his opinion.:daisy:

I just stumbleded across this site today reading the post OM posted at ES. I got the banhammer over there about 2 yrs ago. I deserved it, but i had a serious medical issue where i developed a form of schizophrenia. I got treated and i'm perfectly fine today and have been for 2yrs with no daily medication needed. My name at ES was ProBowler, maybe some remember.:anonymous:

I considered writing a PM to TK and explainning my situation, but i was embarassed about my situation, and really, maybe for reasons posted by the OP, i just didn't feel like posting there any longer. It has become pretty predictable over there imo.

Anyway, i don't post much anywhere nowdays, but i'm glad i caught up with some of my favorite posters from ES and look forward to reading your opinions here.

Yeah, you were a Godless Commie Hippie:)

Glad you found the place and more importatnly, glad you got better
Welcome ProBowler :cheers:
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