First, I keep hearing that in order to keep the economic recovery going, the govt needs to spend more, to keep jobs creation alive.
The problem I have with hearing this on tv all the time, is where is the proof these jobs are being created? In reality, we are all taking their word for it. Everyone I know that was jobless last year is still jobless, and they work in an array of fields all over the country, with different levels of education. Not only that, but they still say most of these companies that received stimulus money are still sitting on over 65% of what they were given. There should have been a time limit where they had to either create jobs with those funds or give it back.
I'm personally skeptical about the numbers of newly created jobs being reported for a few reasons. My sister is a big wig at Cox Communications. Last Summer, they laid off thousands within the company due to revenue loss when Fios first got booming big. Now that things have started to balance out with that, they are hiring a lot of those people back. They count those as newly created jobs, when in reality they are just bringing people back that they already had 6 months ago. To me, that's a bull**** statistic.
I also have a family friend that used to be EOD diver in the Navy for 26 years. He got out, then he missed what he did, so now he works in the private sector doing teaching and training for EOD. Within his company, they "created" a bunch of new job titles, then shifted employees within the company into those new titles. That is also not job creation, but it is also counted like it is. I am sure these are not the only companies doing this. In fact, I recall a major company, I believe it may have been Microsoft or Apple, that was doing this exact thing.
So as far as the government spending to create jobs, it's BS. They give the money to these companies, and they shift people around or sit on the money. That's not job creation. You want job creation? Put some drills in the ground offshore. That'll be a start.
But we are broke. How bad is it going to be if we slash the budget to get things back under control, at the expense of creating no new jobs?
I assure you nothing will be different than it is right now. Job creation right now is a fairytale. Unless you consider McDonald's and their recent announcement that they are hiring back 50,000 former employees.....oh, which by the way, the government has already included in their "new job creation." They're all con artists, duping the American public. As a whole, we are a gullible and stupid people, and the government knows this.
Second, I always hear that tax breaks for the rich are necessary, because of job creation. But then I hear that small businesses are really the job creators.
I don't honestly know what to believe with this. In theory, tax breaks for big business should create jobs or lower prices for the consumer. In reality, it usually doesn't work that way and the companies spend more on marketing and executive bonuses.
On the other hand, Obama has stated on numerous occasions that the average small business employs between 20-30 people. I guess it depends on your definition, because I know of no small business with even that many people. Even so, putting money into small business would have the same effect. People are greedy, they aren't going to say hey I have more money, time to hire more people. Instead, they will use the money more wisely on marketing, production, sales, etc. in the hopes that it will grow them enough to where they will be having so much demand that they have to hire new workers. It's a tough call for me either way with who should get the cuts.
It seems to me that if giving the rich tax cuts was really the answer to our job creation problems, we wouldn't have any job worries right now, as the rich are enjoying historic levels of prosperity without being taxed. I think I read last week that the tax level for the rich is at the lowest point it has EVER been at. Ever. Yet there are no new jobs (or very few) being created. Why is this?
Supply and demand my friend. It drives everything. The people that can afford to shop are still shopping, and shopping more because of how much they have benefited from tax breaks. The middle and lower class are spending less, because we don't have the money to throw around. These businesses have just enough demand to turn a great profit and pad their wallets, but not quite enough to require more employees. There are just still way too many people with no extra income.
Not looking for partisan responses, though I'm sure I will get some of that. looking for information, trying to reconcile differing points of view. Thanks in advance.
I know what you mean. I share viewpoints from both sides, so I have the advantage/disadvantage of arguing with my own mind sometimes on the pros and cons of certain issues. I guess that's why I come across as crazy sometimes