Ebay Stole Money From My Bank Account


Super Bowl MVP
Apr 1, 2011
Reaction score
Virginia Beach, VA
Military Branch
No, seriously. I opened up my email this morning, and I had 21 emails saying a company listed as EBAYINCSHIP debited my bank card 21 times through Paypal for $38.00 each time. The seller's email address is a valid ebay email account too, according to ebay. All total, I got hit for $798.

I reported every one of the transactions to Paypal as fraudulent, and now have to go to the bank to do the same. They were all done from California early this morning, about every minute or so from 2:49 PST- 3:15 PST.

The worst part is, the money that was in there is the mortgage payment, which is due in 4 days, and Paypal said it will take 10 business days to resolve the dispute. So now when the lender does the account debit, it will overdraw me severely and hit me with more charges. Is there anything else I can do, or have I pretty much covered it all? Is this a known scam? I couldn't find any info on it.
Get a new credit card.



To clarify - It appears that Ebay did not steal money from your account. Someone charged your CC to a paypal account and listed the transaction as ebayincship.
You're absolutely correct Ren. Just got back from the bank, and they have done everything they can do, now it's just a waiting game. They have a new card coming to me within a week, and they said I am extremely lucky that they did it with my card and not my actual bank account.

I hate scammers.
How do you think they got your CC ?
After talking to the bank and Paypal, they told me that what has happened is only possible through 2 methods. Either someone with a pocket scanner scanned and stole my info as I walked by them, or I swiped it in a phony device that was placed on a legitimate scanner. Since I never scan my card anywhere, it had to be someone with a pocket scanner, and I'm almost positive I know exactly where and when it happened.

2 days ago, I went to the grocery store to buy some chicken. I walked past a woman who was using a handheld scanner to scan inventory. The reason it was suspicious to me, is that not only was she in street clothes instead of a store uniform, but I have never seen her there before, and I know about 95% of the employees there. On top of that, she acted nervous when I was in the area she was in, then she appeared on 2 more aisles I was on. I filed a complaint at the store about 30 minutes ago, and they said she does not fit the description of any employees, but they will review security footage from the time I was there and see what they can do with it.

The bad thing for innocent inventory scanners now, is since the device they use looks similar, I might instinctively go off on the next stocker I see just out of reflex lol.

My sister said a similar thing happened to her, but it was from a bogus scanning device attached to a redbox she had used.
They say those skimmers are getting more and more widespread, usually at gas stations. If you do a debit option, make sure to cover the keypad like a crazy person when you type in your PIN.
They say those skimmers are getting more and more widespread, usually at gas stations. If you do a debit option, make sure to cover the keypad like a crazy person when you type in your PIN.
Oh I know. I have gotten so paranoid about the info being stolen that I don't ever use my card for anything anymore, unless it's at the bank ATM with nobody around, or online. Gas stations and Red Boxes are so shady that I can't believe people still use them to be honest.
If you do a debit option, make sure to cover the keypad like a crazy person when you type in your PIN.

I always use the credit option, even if it's a check card, because I heard it's safer. But with the new security features at a lot of places, it asks you for your billing zip code. So, if you didn't cover that up, couldn't someone still scan and skim your card and re-use it as credit, if they see what billing zip code you typed in ?
Not too long ago someone got my CC info with one of those scanners. Fortunately when the people tried to use it my CC company immediately flagged the charge and called me as it was unusual. I told them it was fraudulent and the charge never went through and I got a new card. Thankfully my CC company's security was on top of things.
Not too long ago someone got my CC info with one of those scanners. Fortunately when the people tried to use it my CC company immediately flagged the charge and called me as it was unusual. I told them it was fraudulent and the charge never went through and I got a new card. Thankfully my CC company's security was on top of things.

Wow, what bank is that ?
I've had a couple instances where my credit card or debit card number got hacked.....and in all cases the card issuer has been very cool. As many problems as Bank of America has, whenever I've had a situation they've rectified it will very little hassle. Additionally, they are really good about flagging unusual activity. I'll take the headache of having a card turned of at an awkward time as long as it's because they're shutting it down to avoid further illegal charges. Makes me feel comfortable knowing they're on it, even if it means a bit of a hassle at the time.

On another note, a friend of mine just discovered an item of his listed on an Ebay type site....called Worthpoint.com. It's another auction site. Thing is, this item of his was stolen from him about 10 years ago and is now being sold off by the thief or some innocent buyer from the thief. Has anyone here had any experience with this sort of thing? Does he have any recourse to recover his property? It's definitely his.....it's actually a personalized item and has his name on it.

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