Duke vs. Butler


The 1st Round Pick
Mar 30, 2010
Reaction score
Military Branch
Monday Night national title game ... sould be good one.. but being from Carolina I'm pulling for Duke....if Butler were playing anyone else i'd b pulling for them... kinda like David vs Goliath....just hope for a entertaining game.
Although my brother is a Duke grad, going to have to pull for Butler. I'm a 'David' guy through and through. Plus, Coach K gets on my nerves - bigtime :)

Go Butler!
Spoken like a true UVa guy, Boone. :)
I've been to the Butler U. campus several times, first while on speech and debate teams in high school and later I lived in Indianapolis in the early 1970s less than 4 miles from the campus. Now I live only a few miles from the Duke campus and have friends and relatives who are Duke alumni. On paper, and from watching them both, Duke looks like it should win.

Problem is, I said the same thing about Syracuse, Kansas State and Michigan State. I think it will be a very interesting game to watch.

Prediction? Nah, I'm not up to the risk.

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