Differences Felt Already?


The Legend
Jul 19, 2009
Reaction score
Bethesda Md
Malcolm Kelly spoke out about the new regime and his hopes for positive changes from 2009.

Similar comments in RI from Jeremy Jarmon. Despite his injury I think Jarmon has a good future here and like Orakpo is willing to put in the time necessary.

His most telling statement was that in his initial conversations this new staff seemed to have a real confidence in getting things moving forward and not doubting themselves.

Which from a second year player with limited NFL experience can only reflect back upon how overwhelmed Zorn's more inexperienced staff must really have been.
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I'd love for this year to be a complete turn around and go 12-4, though I'm hopeful, I doubt it'll happen. I'm looking right now at 8-8 to be a winning season, though I think 9-7 or even 10-6 could be realistic too.

Definitely have been happy with the words from Kelly. Him, Thomas, Mitchell all should have been used in the Red Zone as I think we all have said countless times, I'm sure they will now be used the majority of the time.

I hope Jarmon can stay, he was a great pick and has produced big for us in his first season, would love to see him here this upcoming season.
All I want is progress and a move towards respectability in 2010.

Let's hope for a winning record.
At this point if thye Skins can go 9-7 with a 6-2 home record in 2010, I'd be estatic
there's not much lower this team can go...... 0-6 in the NFC East in 2009 :mad:
and pathetic home performances against them to boot.

I don't think I have ever been more disgusted as a Redskins' fan as I was the night the Cowgirls came in to town and beat us up.
I think 'tone'/culture in an organization (any organization) is the most underrated aspect that can have a huge impact on success. Look at what Rex Ryan has done with the Jets. You get some dynamic leadership on board, set a competent, confident, positive, and energetic tone, and it looks like a different organization entirely.

It happens, and it could happen in Washington. 'Belief' at the frontline employee level (in this case, with our players) can be a magical elixir.
I'm too jaded at this point to believe it will make that much of a difference. First off, we won't get another pansy schedule like we were gifted with last year. The palpable difference isn't so much the brilliance of ShanAllen as it is that Zorno was quite obviously a lame duck with everyone counting the days til the ouster. Thee won't be speculation all season on whether Shanny is going to get fired midseason.
Which means players won't be untouchable.

Guys who are playing poorly will get benched.

Players skipping meetings won't be tolerated.

Not to get too zen on anyone but you first have to conquer the beast that is within.

The Giants and Eagled aren't so good that a well prepared team that plays at 100 percent effort can't beat them.

And that's before we consider the talent mix we end up with here.
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The tone was great when Gibbs was here. And it was worth a few wins. But without a decent plan from the front office it doesn't matter.

As much as I love Gibbs, his plan as a front office guy seemed to be in lock step with that of Snyder and Ceratto throughout this decade. Always reacting. Always putting out fires. Never proactively laying down a foundation and then building upon it. Tone couldn't make up for that failed policy.

If Shanahan lights some fires under some butts that's great. That will get us back to 8 or 9 wins. However, I'm more interested to see what he builds here.
Gibbs had a long layoff and it really hurt him in re coaching in the NFL.

Shanahan has only been out a year and I think he understands the current interplay of draft and FA better than Gibbs did.

Nowhere was that more evident than in the two deals between Denver and Washington.

No way should Washington have surrendered a #2 pick in addition to Champ Bailey for Portis.

As a tendered FA and a current pro bowler the Redskins should have gotten the equivalent of #1 and #3 picks back for him.

Portis straight up would have been better but a shrewd GM here would have received Portis AND a #2 pick from Denver.

A 26 year old pro bowl corner is likely to play longer at a high level than a 24 year old running back.

But my main point is Gibbs really didn't fight to keep the pick, something that shadowed the Redskins the whole decade.

Likewise, the Redskins panicked to trade up as far as they did for Campbell.

Most draftniks agreed Campbell would have been available 10 picks later in Round 2 where the comp to move up would have been less.

Shanahan made mistakes along the way but mortgaging his future picks was not one of them.
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What I really like about Shanahan was during his year out of the league he went to other teams to figure out what he needed to to to be better and what they were doing to be successful.

Shanahan spent time watching game tape during the season.

He sounds like a coach who is hungry and wants to do what it takes to win and he has a front office that shares the same philosophy; not just make the owner happy.

High expectations, hard work, work ethic will also be expected from the players and those who aren't up for it......bye bye.

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