DCSportsbog: Scott Van Pelt calls Skins' situation "an abomination."

Lanky Livingston

Man, good old Scotty DESTROYS Snyderratto on his radio show...wow.

Now everyone is from somewhere at ESPN. Some of us are more passionate about sports than others. Frankly, some of my peers, they don't love sports, they're not sick with the sports. I am. I'm passionate about the games. I love the games. I love what happens on a daily basis. You see things that you don't expect to see.

We're objective, but at the same time, I don't apologize for being from somewhere, and I'm from the Washington, D.C. area. And I don't apologize for the fact that I grew up as a Redskins fan. I may have to apologize for what I'm about to say in this segment, because what has happened to my beloved Redskins? The team that I watched win three different Super Bowls--granted, it was a while ago, and in fact it was a long time ago--but I remember it.

There was a time when the Redskins were one of the gold standards as a franchise. And [consider] the current ownership situation, with the current GM and the current coach that they picked and have emasculated by essentially trying to force him to quit. That didn't work.

And now they bring in Sherm Lewis, and they make Sherm Lewis a playcaller. And I feel badly for Sherm Lewis, because he's become the punch line, the Bingo Hall and this and that. It's not his fault. He didn't ask for this. He came in to be an observer, and two weeks later he's calling plays because they tried to make a power move to get Zorn out and Zorn says the hell with you, you owe me money, I'm not leaving. And Jim, good for you. I don't blame you. Stay. You should. You didn't create this mess. Are you a competent head coach? It doesn't appear that this is really in your comfort zone right now, but this mess isn't completely of your doing.

click link for rest

Always liked Van Pelt. Now I have even more respect for him. Will all this ever sink in with Snyder? It's not just Van Pelt, but virtually every writer, sportscaster, NFL Insider,
and fan that says the same thing.
Let the bloodletting continue. In the long run, facing the ugly, cold, hard truth is exactly what the doctor ordered for this franchise. It's bitter medicine, but without it we'll never get rid of the Napoleonic disease...or at the very least isolate him in his own little tubercle so that he can't cause any further damage.
this team is really not in that much worse conditions than the Caps before the lockout.

a bloated payroll with a coach that was taking the team nowhere.

several star players past their primes who underperformed and a stadium where fans were boycotting the poor performances with empty seats.

ultimately, the Caps took their lumps made the draft picks count that they received and became a 50 win team that is now challenging for the league title.

The Redskins can do the same thing over a period of 3-5 years.

It requires putting the right GM in place and having him hire the coach and have both work in concert to improve the team piece by piece.

Guys like Portis need to be let go. They are outspoken but divisive and they can't be counted on when things get tough to support their teammates. Remember Portis throwing his OL under bus early LAST year even when he was running productively? :)

Other players like Moss, Thomas, Rabach, Betts, etc. are at that point where they are hitting the downside of their athletic careers, past their primes.

Ditto for Cornelius Griffin, Daniels, and Fred Smoot.

What to do with the 2008 draft class? We should play these guys as much as possible now to see if they are part of the future or not.

The club has some building blocks in Orakpo, Jarmon, Landry, Cooley, etc.

This is not yet an expansion team.
I think Portis is uncuttable at this point - Snyder has extended him so many times, and he has so much guaranteed $$, if he were to be cut, it would hamstring us. Maybe the uncapped year is a blessing in disguise? I don't know...
I think Portis is uncuttable at this point - Snyder has extended him so many times, and he has so much guaranteed $$, if he were to be cut, it would hamstring us. Maybe the uncapped year is a blessing in disguise? I don't know...

expect Randle-El and Carter to both be gone if there is no cap in 2010 and I'd say the same thing about Portis, Moss, Thomas, Rabach, Sellers, Griffin, Daniels, Montgomery and Wynn

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