We see these kinds of articles every year and while it’s nice that the guys and all sitting around the camp fire singing kumbaya, it really is meaningless in evaluating the state of our team. Given the number of disappointments we have endured over the last 18 years, I can’t bring myself to be optimistic based upon statements made in the offseason. At this point, I am less concerned with winning and would settle for simply not being bored.
And there are certainly enough changes that make speculation regarding our offense at least intriguing and that is good enough for me. For instance:
McNabb’s best year by any measure was 2004, which was also the one year he played the full season with TO. So how will the Redskin wide receivers do compared to the Philly receivers? With a new QB, do Thomas or Kelly start to justify their draft position or do we have a steal in Marko Mitchell?
Do we keep both Davis and Cooley and if we do what does the offense look like when they are both on the field? Both of these guys have proven to be hard to bring down which is something I enjoy watching perhaps as a result of having to watch Mark Bavaro carry a couple Redskin defenders a few extra yards for a critical first down for so many years. Many teams have trouble matching up with one good pass catching tight end, much less two. I’m looking forward to watching them exploit this. Can we get Cooley/Davis split out wide or open in the flat where they can get up a head of steam? Can we get them to spread the field horizontally while Moss is spreading it vertically opening up the middle for McNabb scrambles? Can the presence of Cooley and Davis on the field at the same time give DM multiple outlet targets and effectively slow down the rush and compensate for our less than optimal line?
How much of McNabb’s success was due to Westbrook and how well will he perform without him? On the other hand, this will be the first time DM has played where the defense will have to respect a power running game. How will that help him? Will Parker end up in a Westbrook role or will Cooley end up playing the traditional WCO pass catching fullback role as an H back?
There is certainly enough going on to make the preseason interesting this year.