DC Examiner: Cooley, Kelly impressed with McNabb


As Chris Cooley talked Thursday about how easily Donovan McNabb was fitting in during his first week with the Washington Redskins, the six-time Pro Bowl quarterback was proving his tight end's point.

Articles like this make me think we're going to compete THIS YEAR, lol. I let myself get too fired up over this stuff!!
I just read it myself, Lanky-and I'm forcing myself not to get overly optimistic. At the very least it does seem that the chemistry seems to be going in a more favorable direction than I've seen in a while.
this guy has done more in 5 days than JC has done in 5 years!!
I guess they're seeing what it's like to have a pro quarterback around
This will be a great opportunity to see what we actually have at receiver. If you can't make it happen for yourself catching the ball from McNabb, then you likely don't belong in the NFL.
This will be a great opportunity to see what we actually have at receiver. If you can't make it happen for yourself catching the ball from McNabb, then you likely don't belong in the NFL.
Very true--it's time for Kelly to either break-out or find another place to play.

I think Fred Davis could really build on the success of last season too--and if he does, it will make losing Cooley that much easier to bear.
will see how well off we really are at reciever...Donovan will be able to tell quick..I really like our young guys...I Like Davis also but I don't won't to loose Cooley ....can hear it now ..McNabe scrambles out of the pocket throws to his right.TOUCHDOWN...Chris Cooley ..McNabe to Cooley for six.
We're going to find that we're loaded at WR and TE, we just haven't had a QB with the skills and presence of mind (sorry JC) to make true weapons of them.

I truly believe guys like Cooley and even Moss may have career seasons in 2010. And one of our rooks may lead the team. And I say that knowing our o-line, regardless of what moves/draft picks we make, will be a work in progress.
We're going to find that we're loaded at WR and TE, we just haven't had a QB with the skills and presence of mind (sorry JC) to make true weapons of them.

I truly believe guys like Cooley and even Moss may have career seasons in 2010. And one of our rooks may lead the team. And I say that knowing our o-line, regardless of what moves/draft picks we make, will be a work in progress.

I can see Kelly bouncing back nicely with McNabb. Moss will be good for a couple long gains per game, Davis/Cooley will be the possession TEs, and Kelly and Thomas will compete for no 1 spot, imo. Who knows, perhaps Shanahan will figure out how to utilize Kelly's height and leaping ability in the Red Zone? Crazy idea, I know.

I remember fantasizing about having Cooley and Kelly together at the 5, and throw Davis in there as well, man talk about pick your poison for defenses. Sadly, the thought to utilize two TEs in the Red Zone apparently never occurred to our former coach.
One other thing I found in my expedition into the foreign realms of other team fan boards is that the comments that didn't think that McNabb would make that much difference in how the Redskins do were twofold-one, oline weaknesses-and two, very ironic in light of this discussion, the impression, which seems virtually universal across the league among fans, that the Skins receiving corps is terrible. I was surprised to encounter this, but on every single fan board I've visited-now over 30 representing almost half the teams in the NFL, the Redskins receivers are perceived as poor to mediocre with the sole exceptions being Cooley and Davis. Boone, your comment stands out in stark contrast to what "foreign" fans seem to think.

BTW, I'm inclined to agree with you-McNabb will, IMO, bring out in them what Campbell/Zorn couldn't.
That's interesting, Serv, though understandable. Moss has generally 3-4 great games a year, and the rest is very pedestrian. Thomas had two nice games last year, if I recall correctly. Kelly has never been utilized the right way.

As someone else said though, put up or shut up time for the WRs. If they can't get it done with McNabb, they need to go. I said when we drafted the three, that if one out of three panned out to be a star, we would be in decent shape. Looks like Davis is heading in that direction. I hope Kelly or Thomas will step up this year, I'd for both picks to be total busts.
I think we're going to find out our WR's and TE's are far better than their recent stats might indicate. People skewered Mark Brunell when he was entrenched as a starter, but when he was throwing the ball, generally accurately and consistently hitting open receivers (we've forgotten what that looks like of late), Moss was a league leader, Cooley was a feared end, and we had a lot of offensive success. One could argue that we may see this again, and perhaps at an even higher level if one of the youngsters proves to have real skills that can be honed by a more astute offensive coaching staff, and having a QB that can make the decisions and throws to get them the ball.

This of course could all hinge on the pink elephant in the room - the state of our offensive line :)
We see these kinds of articles every year and while it’s nice that the guys and all sitting around the camp fire singing kumbaya, it really is meaningless in evaluating the state of our team. Given the number of disappointments we have endured over the last 18 years, I can’t bring myself to be optimistic based upon statements made in the offseason. At this point, I am less concerned with winning and would settle for simply not being bored.

And there are certainly enough changes that make speculation regarding our offense at least intriguing and that is good enough for me. For instance:

McNabb’s best year by any measure was 2004, which was also the one year he played the full season with TO. So how will the Redskin wide receivers do compared to the Philly receivers? With a new QB, do Thomas or Kelly start to justify their draft position or do we have a steal in Marko Mitchell?

Do we keep both Davis and Cooley and if we do what does the offense look like when they are both on the field? Both of these guys have proven to be hard to bring down which is something I enjoy watching perhaps as a result of having to watch Mark Bavaro carry a couple Redskin defenders a few extra yards for a critical first down for so many years. Many teams have trouble matching up with one good pass catching tight end, much less two. I’m looking forward to watching them exploit this. Can we get Cooley/Davis split out wide or open in the flat where they can get up a head of steam? Can we get them to spread the field horizontally while Moss is spreading it vertically opening up the middle for McNabb scrambles? Can the presence of Cooley and Davis on the field at the same time give DM multiple outlet targets and effectively slow down the rush and compensate for our less than optimal line?

How much of McNabb’s success was due to Westbrook and how well will he perform without him? On the other hand, this will be the first time DM has played where the defense will have to respect a power running game. How will that help him? Will Parker end up in a Westbrook role or will Cooley end up playing the traditional WCO pass catching fullback role as an H back?

There is certainly enough going on to make the preseason interesting this year. :happy:
Great post Alaskan!
Do we keep both Davis and Cooley and if we do what does the offense look like when they are both on the field? Both of these guys have proven to be hard to bring down which is something I enjoy watching perhaps as a result of having to watch Mark Bavaro carry a couple Redskin defenders a few extra yards for a critical first down for so many years. Many teams have trouble matching up with one good pass catching tight end, much less two. I’m looking forward to watching them exploit this. Can we get Cooley/Davis split out wide or open in the flat where they can get up a head of steam? Can we get them to spread the field horizontally while Moss is spreading it vertically opening up the middle for McNabb scrambles? Can the presence of Cooley and Davis on the field at the same time give DM multiple outlet targets and effectively slow down the rush and compensate for our less than optimal line?

I'm excited we finally have a head coach who is smart enough to exploit this.
I'm just curious to see what McNabb brings to the table and how it will help/develop Devin Thomas, Malcolm Kelly and Marko Mitchell.

Can McNabb turn one of these guys into a top 10 WR? Or at least a playmaking threat.
I'm just curious to see what McNabb brings to the table and how it will help/develop Devin Thomas, Malcolm Kelly and Marko Mitchell.

Can McNabb turn one of these guys into a top 10 WR? Or at least a playmaking threat.

McNabb made Greg Lewis, Todd Pinkston and Freddie Mitchell look good. I think he'll do just fine with Thomas, Kelly and Mitchell!

I think I'm most excited to see how the Shanahans implement Marko Mitchell into the mix. I can't wait to see our young, talented WR actually used!
I think I'm most excited to see how the Shanahans implement Marko Mitchell into the mix. I can't wait to see our young, talented WR actually used!

Maybe we'll actually throw a fade into the endzone. I've wondered why the Redskins never call that play, but every other team in the NFL seems to be able to make it work.

Maybe that's why I was intrigued with Chase Daniel. He actually threw and completed one in the preseason to Mitchell.
Maybe that's why I was intrigued with Chase Daniel. He actually threw and completed one in the preseason to Mitchell.

And when we DID call a fade route, Campbell usually threw it to the smallest guy on the field for some unknown reason. Zorn? Campbell calling an audible? Who knows. But I don't think Zorn had confidence in Campbell making that throw.

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