DC Examiner: Campbell wasn't told of trade


So here's the way Jason Campbell found out that the Redskins had traded for Donovan McNabb. Shortly after hearing about the trade, within minutes, I called him on the phone. Typically, he doesn't always answer right away so I figured I'd leave a message. This time, he picked it up after the second or third ring.

From the moment he picked it up, I could tell by his voice that he had not heard. After saying hello, he said he was just leaving from some place. He sounded relaxed.

Me: Did you hear about what happened?

Jason: What?

Me: The Redskins traded for Donovan.

Jason: Really? Ummm... I didn't know that, man.

Me: I'm sorry I had to be the one who told you. I can't believe they didn't tell you.

Jason: No, that's the first I heard of it. ... I'd better go call my agent.

When I called back later, it went to voice mail. His mailbox was full.

Follow me on twitter @John_Keim

Kind of shocked the Redskins organization doesn't have the class to pick up the phone and call a guy who, say what you will about is performance, has taken many a beating for this team and been nothing but a class act throughout his tenure.

Doesn't reflect very well on the team, or Bruce Allen or Mike Shanahan either if accurate.
Kind of shocked the Redskins organization doesn't have the class to pick up the phone and call a guy who, say what you will about is performance, has taken many a beating for this team and been nothing but a class act throughout his tenure.

Doesn't reflect very well on the team, or Bruce Allen or Mike Shanahan either if accurate.

Per ESPN News, immediatley AFTER the trade Shanahan spoke with JC.

Regardless, I don't think the organization needs to tell JC before the trade that its going to occur.

Its a business, and the Redskins don't owe JC that. Or Rex Grossman :)
We can agree to disagree. It costs them nothing to give him a heads-up, and it's the right thing to do. And what does 'immediately after the trade' mean? John Keim knew about it before Campbell did for God's sake :) That's just humiliating if you're Campbell.

I'm glad to see Campbell out of the starter's spot - finally. But I was hoping to see a little more class with the Shanahan regime.
I think before Shanny/Allen players was told of everything or at least got a whiff of what was going to happen before hand.

Shanny wasn't playing about open competition. :)
As a Campbell supporter, I have to say, I have no problem with this. If word gets around about what you are doing, other teams could under cut you and end up on top.

I know JC has been a stand up guy for this organization and I wish him the best, but, organizations need to be ruthless sometimes to gain an advantage.
As a Campbell supporter, I have to say, I have no problem with this. If word gets around about what you are doing, other teams could under cut you and end up on top.

I know JC has been a stand up guy for this organization and I wish him the best, but, organizations need to be ruthless sometimes to gain an advantage.
I get it Boone, but I tend to agree with this.
The team came first, JC second. More drama to ensue I guess.
JC will probably get his chance at revenge on another team.
Kind of shocked the Redskins organization doesn't have the class to pick up the phone and call a guy who, say what you will about is performance, has taken many a beating for this team and been nothing but a class act throughout his tenure.

Doesn't reflect very well on the team, or Bruce Allen or Mike Shanahan either if accurate.

If it were anyone else but Campbell, I'd probably be inclined to agree with you. I do feel for the guy because his professionalism has been second to none. My understanding from other things I've read is that Keim only managed to beat Shanahan's call by 3-5 minutes so I think Mike did make the effort to notify him as soon as possible.
Like I said in another thread, JC is the Rodney Dangerfield of the team. No respect
As a Campbell supporter, I have to say, I have no problem with this. If word gets around about what you are doing, other teams could under cut you and end up on top.

I know JC has been a stand up guy for this organization and I wish him the best, but, organizations need to be ruthless sometimes to gain an advantage.

I agree with you a 100%. We also need to remember that Campbell is an RFA, not in a long term deal as the starter. Remember it's an open competition for "every" position.
I don't have a problem with JC not being told of trade beforehand. Something tells me no one really expected this deal to get done, so why say anything. I believe this deal got legs on Saturday and was done quickly when we made the 2011 pick offer.

Things happened so quickly didn't have time to call JC. We didn't even talk with McNabb about contract extension (as that would be an issue with Snyder).

Even after the Reid's press conference the Redskins had never acknowledged the trade. Heard McNabb called Campbell. Someone here said Shanahan called him after deal was done.

Regardless, it's a business and you don't tip your hand if at all possible. Way this deal happened is vastly different from our previous FO. In previous years we would have leaked all kinds of info. Allen and Shanahan kept this so quiet that no one knew until deal almost done.
I don't have a problem with the front office keeping it quiet, or letting Campbell know after the deal is done. That being said, however, Keim should not have known before Campbell. Campbell should have been the first call. Right away after the trade. If Keim found out before Campbell, then either there's a leak that needs to be plugged, or they need to get on the ball and make that call to Campbell quicker.
As a Campbell supporter, I have to say, I have no problem with this. If word gets around about what you are doing, other teams could under cut you and end up on top.

I know JC has been a stand up guy for this organization and I wish him the best, but, organizations need to be ruthless sometimes to gain an advantage.

Like it is that hard to call Campbell once the agreement with Philly is in place but before it has been announced? Come on. This is the day and age of nearly instant communication to all corners of the planet.

Allen hangs up with the league office, tells Shanahan it is finished and Shanahan calls Campbell to break him the news. Not tough at all and it allows Jason to wrap his head around it before reporters start calling.

Not tough at all.
I'm more shocked that people on here expected Jason to get any respect or shown any common courtesy. The dude has been our doormat for several years and everyone walks all over him.

its not right but its true..

Respect is earned, and just like in the real world, respect isn't always earned by being a nice guy. In the NFL, you earn respect by being a good player.
Respect is earned, and just like in the real world, respect isn't always earned by being a nice guy. In the NFL, you earn respect by being a good player.

very true black, but I hope JC does well where ever he ends up ...I mean the guy has had to try and learn 6 different offenses ...just think his wires got crossed up....but I was also ready for a new look at QB. good luck JC.
You all seem to be assuming that Keim et al learned of the trade from the Skins, and therefore a leak must exit in Ashburn. There are two sides to a trade, so the info might have come from the Eagles side. Shanny might not have realized the story had broken, and he did call JC a mere 3-5 minutes after Keim did. Shanny did no wrong here.
Respect is earned, and just like in the real world, respect isn't always earned by being a nice guy. In the NFL, you earn respect by being a good player.

Respect is earned a lot of different ways in this world and being a good player is only one way. It isn't even a full proof way. If you disagree, I have two words for you . . . Terrell Owens.

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