DC Examiner: A culture change at Redskins Park

Sad this passes as a news story. Seriously - a couple of informal comments at some event. Jesus Christ Snyder, just effing let down the guard and be a human being :)

I don't know that I've ever seen a human being so ****ing terrified that someone is going to figure out who he actually is. It's pretty sad.
Sad this passes as a news story. Seriously - a couple of informal comments at some event. Jesus Christ Snyder, just effing let down the guard and be a human being :)

I don't know that I've ever seen a human being so ****ing terrified that someone is going to figure out who he actually is. It's pretty sad.

Boone, in my experience and from my observations, Marketing can cross a threshold from being a tool for business success to becoming an instinctive response posture-and a substitute for what is generally considered "normal" human interaction in some people. It's kind of like method acting with no "new" character to assimilate.. Dislodging it may be difficult to impossible depending on the length and extent to which it is practiced and this might be a partial explanation for Snyder's difficulty. Maybe...
Serv, I agree. I said a couple of months ago that Snyder should try to be more like Cuban, who is open and honest, and quite simply, a fan. Snyder seems much more interested in cultivating a image than in simply showing us how much of a fan he is. I hope this doesn't rub people the wrong way, but Snyder reminds me of new money, to some extent. People who have had money act differently from those who have recently come into it, in many, many different ways. One way this manifests itself is in image, they way these people want to be perceived by others.

Cuban's love for the Mavericks is easy to see, and easy to identify with. It is one of the main reasons he is (mostly) beloved. One of the most endearing (and only endearing) memories I have of Snyder is him jumping up and down in joy when Santana beat Dallas. He was a fan then, just like me for that brief moment.

If he would let that side loose a little more, I think he would get the love and respect I suspect he desperately craves.
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Not sure it was intended as a "news story" to be honest. Just an offseason filler piece from Keim "covering" an event where someone stuck the obligatory mics in Snyder's face. :)

I don't see anything in his comments that speaks to his character one way or another. Pretty standard answers to standard questions about a regime change in pro football franchise.

Bottom line, Snyder is never going to be the kind of owner who is engaging or dispenses memorable nuggets. Just not his thing ... the man has never been comfortable speaking publicly. Not sure that reflects badly on him though. Few among us can be consistently charming and witty when the lights and are on and every word, inflection and facial tic are instantly parsed to the nth degree by a competitive free press and burgundy and gold obsessed fan base. :)
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Om, just for clarification, my statement about Dan Snyder was not meant to be judgmental but simply explanatory. We humans are complex and questions concerning how and why we behave as we do usually don't have simple answers.
With you serv ... completely. I was tweaking Boone, who seemed to be channeling Sarge. :)
Don't insult Sarge :)

Re-reading that a second time, I may have gotten it exactly wrong, as the extent of those comments probably dwarfs what Snyder might have said a couple years ago. He almost waxes poetic there.

I guess what I was responding to (and this has nothing to do with Keim who is sharp, a solid writer, and a great guy) is the fact that this kind of impromptu swarm - as you said Om, a bunch of mic's being shoved in Snyder's face at a community event - is the only way anyone ever gets information from Snyder. I do think that's unfortunate, but at least Snyder in this case did give more than a passing comment in return and seemed to actually provide a *glimpse* into his own mindset vs. just the party line there. That may be positive movement.
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I don’t care if Snyder is articulate, open, or anything else. As far as I’m concerned he only has two jobs.

1. Select the right people to run the team.
2. Stay out of their way.

His record on #1 is spotty and the perception is that he has failed completely on #2.
Nicely put Alaskan :cheers:

Chalk my little tantrum up to this.
Nicely put Alaskan :cheers:

Chalk my little tantrum up to this.

Great blog post, Boone, and one that captures what I've been feeling very nicely.

One reason why the sudden reappearance of Snyder may be so unwelcome is our being disturbed from the unusual position of being able to think of the Skins without having him pop up immediately in our thoughts-a most refreshing and welcome change from past experience-and the reminder simply resurrects too much unpleasantness that was thought to have been shoved to the back of the closet for a while. Plus, as you stated, this is a tedious time of the year for Skins fans, and, in my case, tedium and summer heat do not combine well.
Not sure it was intended as a "news story" to be honest. Just an offseason filler piece from Keim "covering" an event where someone stuck the obligatory mics in Snyder's face. :)

I don't see anything in his comments that speaks to his character one way or another. Pretty standard answers to standard questions about a regime change in pro football franchise.

Bottom line, Snyder is never going to be the kind of owner who is engaging or dispenses memorable nuggets. Just not his thing ... the man has never been comfortable speaking publicly. Not sure that reflects badly on him though. Few among us can be consistently charming and witty when the lights and are on and every word, inflection and facial tic are instantly parsed to the nth degree by a competitive free press and burgundy and gold obsessed fan base. :)

speak for yourself!!!!!

I kid.... I kid.
I don’t care if Snyder is articulate, open, or anything else. As far as I’m concerned he only has two jobs.

1. Select the right people to run the team.
2. Stay out of their way.

His record on #1 is spotty and the perception is that he has failed completely on #2.

well...ummmmm....ommmmmm....hell yea!

and take credit when things go well!

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