Dale Jr.: Why I Love The Redskins


The Franchise Player
Jul 15, 2009
Reaction score
Columbia, SC
I thought this was a great article and brought back a lot of memories.

Introduction by Marty Smith, ESPN NASCAR reporter:

Few personal qualities are more admirable or inspiring than honesty. The reason is simple: scarcity.

These days, press conferences ooze with enough predetermined, clichéd, monotone drivel to drive the Tasmanian Devil into hibernation. And because it’s so rare for public figures to spill truth -- real truth, with candor and excitement and raw emotion, the kind that makes you vulnerable --- we’re plumb-awed when they do.

And when a star spits vulnerable truth, the impact is even greater. Dale Earnhardt Jr. is NASCAR’s biggest star. He is among sport’s biggest stars. He is articulate, thoughtful and honest when answering questions. When he talks, sport listens. Not just NASCAR. Sport.

I received a call from Junior on Tuesday, giddy as a schoolgirl to detail his experience at the Redskins-Giants "Monday Night Football" thriller. He was so excited, in fact, that he felt compelled to put his thoughts and emotions on paper. He was bursting with feelings that had to live in the written word. Sometimes saying it just doesn’t suffice. You must write it.

I can relate. It happens to me every day.

So Junior wrote. And what he wrote encapsulates the oft-intangible importance of sport, from the ultra-unique perspective of a man who both consumes that emotion -- and provides it to millions.

Click the link for Dale Jr's words.

So badass. I knew Junebug was a huge fan, but I've never heard him describe it in his own words.

Mike, today, Junior's JUST fine with me. :)
Nascar wise, Junior is not my favorite driver, but it seems since his dad's death he has gradually come around to be more level-headed. I find myself wishing him well and if my driver(s) aren't doing so hot, I may occasionally wish the best for him.

That said, it's been pretty widely known that he is a Redskins fan. But to read this article actually brought a few tears to my eyes because of the emotion behind them. I was lucky enough to be there Monday night and I can definitely relate to what he was feeling.

What surprised me the most (and this is sortof off topic) on Monday night is that after we went up 17-16, there were actually Giants fan leaving. My gosh people, Eli manning and you guys have the ball and you're leaving? What kind of faith in a team does that show.

Anyway.. thanks for the link. Very very good read.
"I was feeling that feeling. That one I can’t describe."

Those of us old enough to have enjoyed Gibbs 1 can relate to that statement in our own way. It's a feeling close to resurrection. Finish the season strong and I won't be able to suppress it any longer.
"I was feeling that feeling. That one I can’t describe."

Those of us old enough to have enjoyed Gibbs 1 can relate to that statement in our own way. It's a feeling close to resurrection. Finish the season strong and I won't be able to suppress it any longer.

It definitely brought back those memories for me as well. Here's to hoping we can keep Jr. VERY happy over the next two months. :cheers:
Football and NASCAR - the best sports out there. And it is not even close.

Several drivers are Redskins fans. And Coach Gibbs has a lot of love for him in the garage. There is a reason why the Redskins have their home field named "FedEx" - Joe Gibbs.

Yep, the two organizations cross paths in many ways. Wouldn't be surprised to see a Redskins themed car (FedEx 11) sometime in the not too distant future.

Good article - thanks for posting it.
Like Doc, Dale JR has never been my favorite driver and may never be. After reading the article he has risen a number of positions.
Nope, you don't get to enjoy the spoils of this!

This is all mine and SC for every time you, derek, and brian razz us.

They say that no matter what the score is they tell him the skins are winning so he won't get pissed off if theu aren't and drive badly.
Posted via BGO Mobile Device

Hey now... we razz you guys because of the extremist JR fans... has nothing to do with the driver. I have no problem with JR and personally think he's been given an unfair shake.. but that's a different conversation for a different thread.

While i dont root for the 88..i do like to hear stuff like this about a competitor. There are a few people i cant stand in NASCAR and JR aint one of em.
for all the crap Ive taken from you 3...
for all the razzing Ive gotten from you 3...
for all the jibba jabba you 3 have given me..

this is MINE


hahaha im not tryin to take anything away from ya brother!!!
In NASCAR I feel like a total loner as a Gordon fan. I've always liked Jr. and this makes it a lot easier. Cool stuff.
Nope, you don't get to enjoy the spoils of this!

This is all mine and SC for every time you, derek, and brian razz us.

They say that no matter what the score is they tell him the skins are winning so he won't get pissed off if theu aren't and drive badly.
Posted via BGO Mobile Device
for all the crap Ive taken from you 3...
for all the razzing Ive gotten from you 3...
for all the jibba jabba you 3 have given me..

this is MINE


Yes this is our, for all the **** we have taken over the years!! I guess yall just didn't realize how big of a Skins fan he was/is. I thought it was common knowledge, I suppose it is for us real, true diehard Jr fans.

The reason that Jr has so many fans is because he is one of us. Sure he may race cars, and makes a lot more money but at the end of the day he is a guy, a guy I would gladly sit at a bar with and have drinks, just like many of yall.

I would be curious to see what other drivers football teams are. I believe Matty K is a Packers fan.
Yes this is our, for all the **** we have taken over the years!! I guess yall just didn't realize how big of a Skins fan he was/is. I thought it was common knowledge, I suppose it is for us real, true diehard Jr fans.

The reason that Jr has so many fans is because he is one of us. Sure he may race cars, and makes a lot more money but at the end of the day he is a guy, a guy I would gladly sit at a bar with and have drinks, just like many of yall.

I would be curious to see what other drivers football teams are. I believe Matty K is a Packers fan.

lol i always knew he was a Skins fan... and the crap we all give you is because it's the only thing we disagree on! :redpunch:... nothin personal :thumbsup:
Of course we knew Jr. was a huge Skins fan. Like I said, I'd just never had a chance to read why, etc. But since you guys wanna get all freaked out about this ;) I'll treat you like I normally do.....

Jr. HAS to experience winning vicariously through football. Ain't like he's ever won ****. :p

Ricky Rudd is a life long Redskins fan.

And that covers my favorite.

Um, what is Carl Edwards' favorite football team?
He's like the Middle Man...he is a huge Joe Gibbs/Redskins fan so why root for him when I can root for the real Redskins' rep in NASCAR!?!?!


Oh and I will definitely be rooting for Jr. more...

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