Czaban dumped for Stephen A. Smith


The Commissioner
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BGO Founder
Apr 11, 2009
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Greensboro, NC
Military Branch
Marine Corps
Alma Mater
I'm no Steve Czaban 'homer' - he's gotten me so fired up at times over the past 5 years I've screamed at my XM radio on the drive to work. But anyone else noted he was summarily let go over Xmas by Fox Sports Radio, in favor of the insipid, self-absorbed, and frankly boring Stephen A. Smith?

It's generally hard to get a rise out of me, but tossing off a guy who's clearly become a staple of sports radio without so much as a courteous announcement to his audience strikes me as a pretty inept 'corporate' move. I can barely tolerate 'Mike and Mike' on my XM radio dial, but you can bet they'll have my ear at drive time now. Listening to metrosexual Greenie and dumb jock Golic beats the hell out of the new alternative. Stephen A. Smith is an ignorant buffoon.

You seriously blew it Fox Sports Radio.
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Agreed...I don't listen to sports radio that much in Houston (no good shows here and I don't have XM), but I do know Stephen A. Smith is a gimmicky idiot. All he does is shout a lot, and act like an idiot. I actually like Mike and Mike, because they have some interesting view points from time to time. Stephen A. Smith, not so much.
the problem with czab's show is that he failed to recreate the playful banter he has with pollen (who i just cant listen to). there just seemed to be something missing from his solo act for me.
Don't you mean Screamin' A Smith?

The guy can't debate. He just keeps screamin' until his opponent gives up.
Czab is a putz and I could only listen to him in small doses. Mike and Mike are slightly better but only because of the guests they can get. Bad guest = turn to something else. I don't find Stephen A. very interesting either. When he talks NBA he clearly knows his stuff and I can tolerate his shtick. Past that he's not that interesting. Richmond is a wasteland for good sports talk in the afternoon. We have two local shows who compete to see who can make me switch channels fastest. There are no winners.

I used to love the Tony Bruno show in the morning even though he was a Philly fan. I'm glad he's got a national show again but since it starts at 10pm eastern I don't listen often. It's just not a time I'm listening to the radio very often.

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