Comedy Legend Leslie Nielsen Dies At 84

Did not want to wake up and see this. Sigh. I watched Airplane and Naked Gun more times than I care to remember, and can cite most of his lines without thinking twice. What a shame.

Lt. Drebin, you will be missed...
So I just pulled the Naked Gun out and watched the first fifteen minutes with our 13 and 10 year old girls. They couldn't stop laughing, even though they could tell their mother was hoping they wouldn't find the male repetitive humor funny.

They ARE my children!

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airplane was one of the lamest and yet funniest movies ever made, the surely you can be serious line may have been the most quoted line ever.

Apparently that's the only line the editorial cartoonists could remember:




That was a good line, but he had some other funny lines that were totally different jokes altogether ...

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