Christmas tradition thread food and misc

How can anyone not like salt cod ?

You and I have had this discussion before. I can deal with eating the fish from time to time, it's the smell that stays with the house for a day or two that kills me. I think bacala' translates to smelly fish.....
I spent one christmas with that side of my family and man norwegians eat some gross stuff by far the worst tho is Lutefisk, which still gives me nightmares.

It's funny, I know guys in the club I belong to that rave about how good Lutefish is. I won't condemn any food without trying it once, but you're not the first I've found to have that opinion about Lutefish.

You should try stuffed calamari. It's a dish you generally can't find outside of the home. One of my all time favorite foods.
what do you stuff it with? drop a recipe in the food thread and I will try to make it for sure.

about lute fisk, they make it by curing it with LYE, the stuff they use in soap ffs. its like fish scented jelly and when its made with Cod its even smellier than salt cod. it tastes like soap jelly no joke and its heinous. when I was a kid we were forced to eat a small piece to remind of us we were norse, lmao even my gramma who cooks it hates eating it.
You and I have had this discussion before. I can deal with eating the fish from time to time, it's the smell that stays with the house for a day or two that kills me. I think bacala' translates to smelly fish.....

Well, you know what they say about smell...:)
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Probably a southern thing. You don't make it until second snow fall. Take a lot of snow, an egg, some vanilla, and sweet condensed milk (or milk) and mix to make basically snow ice cream.

Lady here in the office grew up outside Green Bay and she never heard of snow cream until moved here.
Probably a southern thing. You don't make it until second snow fall. Take a lot of snow, an egg, some vanilla, and sweet condensed milk (or milk) and mix to make basically snow ice cream.

Lady here in the office grew up outside Green Bay and she never heard of snow cream until moved here.

We made it as kids, but think we just used milk, sugar, vanilla. The memories of it are probably better than the actual end result.
This last batch my wife didn't use the egg, but the end result was very good. Poured a little ChocoVine over mine for little kick. Made watching the game a little more fun.

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