CBS : Krispy Kreme introduces 2 new flavors

Fear The Spear

The Legend
Sep 28, 2010
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BGO's Official Resident "Tech Dummy"
It's newsworthy, and worthy of its own thread, because it involves the legendary Krispy Kreme


WPEC-TV CBS12 News :: News - Top Stories - Krispy Kreme introduces two new flavors

Oy vey...

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Krispy Kreme rules hot of the line, but other than that give me a Dunkin Dònut!
I'm sure it won't contribute to obesity, if you eat them in moderation, like 1 or 2 once in a while - OH WAIT, it's impossible to just eat 1 or 2, or even 3,4,5,6, or 7, at one sitting !! LOL
Am I the only one that thinks they are trying to make their donuts look as much like a breast as possible? I feel so manipulated. And hungry.
One of my favorite (and semi-related) movie quotes of all time, from a total chick flick (10 Things I Hate About You):

What is it with this chick, does she have beer flavored nipples?

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Damn you, Ben and Jerry

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****. I've been doing so well too. Plus I think I saw something about a waffle taco for breakfast at Taco Bell the other day.


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