Cake or Death: Schultz!


The Legend
Feb 1, 2010
Reaction score
Waynesboro, VA
Alma Mater
James Madison
All right, I'm gonna try something new, I'm excited. I've been thinking about this post, discarding topics, refining others. And I might even throw in some research too!

Woot, baby!

(I'm trying out some new phraseology to endear me to my 13 year old daughter. Nothing so far has worked, unless the goal is an eye-roll or look of intense mortification. I feel good about this one)

So what do we know after one quarter of our 2010 Washington Redskins season?

Uh... Schultz?!?!?

Let's paint with a broader brush. Ignoring the AFC for now, while acknowledging the AFC is a MUCH better...

I can agree with you but our D HAS to step it up if we plan on doing anything anywhere with anyone. This is just horrible. they are holding orakpo like a mug but nobody else is pushing thru.

I know it seems crazy, but I was encouraged when I looked at the stats. Even the defensive ones. We seem to be getting solid pressure on the QB, and I think as the players become more comfortable, we will see improvement.

I hope so anyway.
fun read Goal!

I agree with Mike...the D has to step up more. some other interesting patterns:

- 3 out of 4 games end on the last play of the game in the end zone. when has that happened to the Skins? not that I can remember.

- no 1300 EST games yet. a full month of late day games. gimme some earlier games!!!
Thank you sir. Yeah, I have bemoaned the 4pm and later starts as well. I like the 1pm games, gives me more time to recover when we lose, and more time to savor when we win.
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First and foremost, I always like reading your blogs. :)

It's frustrating when you don't know which team will show up. It's even more frustrating when you don't know if the "first half team" will show up in the second half - or vice versa. Ugh.

But I will say this - there is much more fight in this team when you compare the overall attitudes and demeanor to last year or the second half of 2008. It will only get better, but it will take some time - and more gray hairs. :D :furious2: :D

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