I've probably hated the Dallas Cowpukes longer than most here.
I hated them before George Allen lured me into the Redskins fold.
But.....the real hate...the get down in your gut and lie there and burn every time you even hear the name mentioned hate started when they announced that they were "America's Team".
The absolute, horrific, stomach-turning, eye-searing, brain-battering arrogance of that just set me off like lighting an M-80 next to my ear.
How freakin' dare they make such a claim?!? NFL football is America's game but nobody....abso-damn-lutely nobody has the right to claim that they are "America's Team"
Especially...and I do mean especially the dim-witted, misbegotten, knuckle-dragging semi-literate, proto-simian troglodytes from the Dallas Cowflops, and their disgusting fans.
You wanna know how much I hate the BovineBoys?
I root for the damn Iggles when they play Dallas-that's how much.