Cup runners up…that’s a good win to start this big road trip!
Sweet second win on their biggest road trip of the season. Ovi nets another, and Charlie comes back in and pitches a shutout!

This machine is rolling! Top of the league by 4 points, with a game in hand! Hopefully they can take at least 4 more points out of these next three on the road.
I know this is sacrilegious but…I find myself a bit disappointed every time I see that Ovi’s goal is an empty-netter.
I know this is sacrilegious but…I find myself a bit disappointed every time I see that Ovi’s goal is an empty-netter.
No, I get it.

I think it was Michael Strahan who was in line to break the sack record and the team he was playing with conspired just to let him have it. The QB rolled into him and the line watched. Strahan hugged him and they went down gently.

It was fake as anything you see in wrestling. Worse probably. Sullies his record.
No, I get it.

I think it was Michael Strahan who was in line to break the sack record and the team he was playing with conspired just to let him have it. The QB rolled into him and the line watched. Strahan hugged him and they went down gently.

It was fake as anything you see in wrestling. Worse probably. Sullies his record.
Brett Favre iirc.
That's right.
Empty netters are a part of the game, but they don't require the same skill level obviously so yeah, it feels less than.
I know this is sacrilegious but…I find myself a bit disappointed every time I see that Ovi’s goal is an empty-netter.

Trust me, I'm not any different there, it's just not an exciting highlight
My pirate stream fell apart so I only get to see games when they're on a national broadcast...and that sucks, because I'd watch every single game if I could. I only missed 2 games in the Covid-crazy season.
And for the record, I won't switch alliances if ATL gets another team...which hasn't ever worked out...and that's nuts. I went to tons of Thrashers games, and I don't make a shit-ton of money. I'll never understand why we can't ever keep a team here.
Mary, you might want to look into a VPN and certain other avenues, I've not missed a Caps game in 4 years. Just slightly delayed like Skins games.
19 to go for the great 8, this sorts reminds me of another number 8 chasing history but with Ripken you knew the exact date.
Nice comeback late last night to get a point.

Yeah, the chase looks like it’ll be coming down to the wire this season. I’d love for him to get it this year.
18 to go and helluva exciting game yesterday, possible Stanley Cup match up.
Glad to hear Lockers has come through surgery well. Hope he gets back on his feet, and back in the booth, soon!

Great game tonight against the Champs, and Ovi nets an EN with .1 on the clock! 17 to go!
Down to 16 to go, it's giving me goose bumps seeing Ovi's passion not flicker out and seeing him still perform at a high level, he's hurdling towards history not limping into the record in some sort of retirement tour.
WTF? Watched first half of Maryland bball game, switch over, and 3 goals in less than five minutes? What’s up defense?

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