Ax, if you aren't 100% in rip-it-up, burn-someone-in-effigy mode, you might as well not post here right now. Everyone knows exactly what the problems are, exactly who needs to be punished for them, and it's not even about incompetence anymore, it's about character flaws. It's funny to me how none of the Nostradamus' here were screaming that the wheels were about to come off, how every decision the current regime ever made was the wrong one, when we were winning the NFC East crown last year. If you express anything other than a desire to grab a torch and join the mob, you're 'making excuses' or clueless.
Honestly - I hate to say it - but Redskins fans to a large extent are pussies. A season like this one is painful for anyone who roots for this team, but there are a lot of NFL fans who've never had anything close to the joy Redskins fans have gotten to experience, even if we've been mostly wandering in the desert for quite a few years. This year sucks. For the most part, the Shanahan era has sucked. But there have been mitigating factors leading to this season. One of our organizational problems is we lack conviction - of any kind. The fans lack it, Snyder lacks it, the organization lacks it. We don't have the stomach for the long haul. Don't get me wrong, if the Shanahans are shown the door, they'll have earned it, at least in terms of 'today's NFL' where the expectations for success are pretty ridiculously unrealistic. What bothers me is the degree of vitriol, anger, and need to totally tear apart the people 'responsible' for our poor wretched unhappiness. One consistent thing I've heard the players and coaches say over and over again is that folks outside the organization don't know what's going on. But man, every NFL coach/GM in waiting here sure as hell thinks they do.