Damn, Mike. I gotta agree with G., you were worried?
Very well done,amigo-very well done indeed.
BTW, I'm not one damn bit surprised either.
I agree this game caries a lot of weight-for a lot of reasons, some history as you mentioned but also, to me, how a team enjoying it's first sense of "hey, maybe we can actually play winning football" for the first time in a couple of years responds after a loss.
Mike Shanahan alluded to it in one of is post-game comments when he said something along the lines of "this will tell you a lot about the character of your fotball team-how they respond to a loss."
O.K., Skins-here's your chance. Come out aggresive, take it to the Rams for 60 minutes, leave it all on the field and come back with a win and I'll start frosting the cake of "Look out NFL, We're coming back to haunt ya."