Blognostications: 2011 - Week 3 @ Dallas Cowboys


Blognosticator - fansince62

*It’s dallas Week (fansince62, BGO poster emeritus)*

It’s dallas...

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Dallas week. It's like Christmas.

Everybody's a little nicer. We all unite with one voice to proclaim, "We can do better!"

This week, we unite with one voice to say, "Viol Dallas!"

(Whatever the hell that means)

May The Ghosts of Sweet Victories Past, spook a boo so far up the Cowboy's ass, it'll be Christmas before they know what hit'em.
If there's ever a perfect time to unleash The Al, it's Dallas week.

That was gold. Pure gold. :)
thanks Henry! means a lot to me!!!

thought I'd have fun with famous first lines from famous novels and well known movie quotes...altered to context.

can you pick em out?

to start the ball rolling...first line is from Tom Pynchon's Gravity's Rainbow.
Very well done, sir. Worthy of being framed and hung on the wall of any and all Redskins fans before an encounter with the Evil ones from Dallas. :claps:
Well, color me pumped! Al, LOVE the use of lower case when mentioning anything dallas. How apropos!
Very well done, sir. Worthy of being framed and hung on the wall of any and all Redskins fans before an encounter with the Evil ones from Dallas. :claps:

thanks Serv...your turn in the dock will come. NE?
Awesome...loved reading every word of that. This is the coolest feature out there.

Go ahead Al - make my day.

Oh just did :cheers:
Indeed, Al. Indeed.

Well done, sir. I am now even more ready for Monday, which I didn't think was possible.

Thank you!
Damn, son. That was so good it crashed the site.

Please don't do that again.
Damn, son. That was so good it crashed the site.

Please don't do that again.

ha! I didn't think of that angle!!!

here's what I didn't get to: two TDs a week from the offense? that's got to improve. I think we're all just tickled cuz we know this is the most organized effort we have seen in maybe 18 years! and it's being done with the trajectory can only be upward over the next few years.
Didn't the offense score three TDs against the Giants?
Didn't the offense score three TDs against the Giants?

It's the work in progress POV. You can grouse that the skins only scored 2 TDs on offense, but you can also see the glass half full and count how many scoring opportunities and should have beens.

Subtract a PI or two and that's at least two more scores. Subtract a desperation facemask and Banks scores. Get better blocking on what should be a gimme field goal and that's more points too.

Now, all of those are candy and nuts or if you prefer ifs and buts... still, it bodes well. It suggests we're only a step or half step away from getting it done. Can we take that step this year? Are we still a year away (or two years away if we decide to get the qb of the future next year?) only this guy knows :punk:
It's the work in progress POV. You can grouse that the skins only scored 2 TDs on offense, but you can also see the glass half full and count how many scoring opportunities and should have beens.

Subtract a PI or two and that's at least two more scores. Subtract a desperation facemask and Banks scores. Get better blocking on what should be a gimme field goal and that's more points too.

Now, all of those are candy and nuts or if you prefer ifs and buts... still, it bodes well. It suggests we're only a step or half step away from getting it done. Can we take that step this year? Are we still a year away (or two years away if we decide to get the qb of the future next year?) only this guy knows :punk:

I'm not grousing...merely suggesting that on stats alone....this is something that is gonna catch up with the team sooner or later IF THE PATTERN DOESN'T CHANGE. quite agree with you that it can change.

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