Bill Simmons' on the Cowboys. Perfection :)


The Owner's Favorite
Joe Gibbs Club Member
Aug 4, 2009
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Let's end on a Cowboys rant. The Cowboys remind me of the Kardashians in that their strongest talent is a relentless ability to remain relevant. Much like the Kardashians successfully created the illusion that they should be famous, the Cowboys successfully created the illusion that they should be a Super Bowl contender. And they didn't even have to leak a sex tape to do it. You know what Dallas' record has been since 2000? 82-78. You know how many playoff games it has won over that stretch? One. That's right … one more playoff win than Buffalo and Detroit.

As with the Kardashians, it's all about the packaging.......

Couldn't have stated it better. :)
I'll blog that post all day and all night :)
"Every Cowboys Super Bowl pick includes the caveat, "They're returning 20 of 22 starters from last year"; so what if it means they're returning 20 of the 22 starters the Vikings trounced in January by 31 points?"

Such good stuff. I think I :love: him.
I've never liked Simmons because he's such a Boston homer but this may be his best article ever. :thumbsup:
Read this earlier and I loved it. Earlier tonight, some of my friends and I were talking about how everyone is overrating the Cowboys. I think it was, they had power rankings this past week and Cowboys were 3rd. How? Everyone has them in the top 5 in power rankings. What have they done to prove their worth?

Also, Trey Wingo and Schlereth were on Colin Cowherd this morning discussing this weekends games. They got to the Skins vs. Cowboys game and Cowherd asked who was going to win the game. With no hesitation, both Wingo and Schlereth said Cowboys and moved on as if the Skins have no chance Sunday night. They did not even discuss the game like they did with most of the others.

I cannot wait for Sunday. We will find out just how good the boys are.
Yeah, I like the change you made. It has a certain sweetness to it.

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