BIggest game of the season and im not playing fml


Nov 17, 2010
Reaction score
I live in the warmest city in the coldest provinc
Alma Mater
we travel to lloydminster, last years champs, who are 0-10 against us, they beat the team who beat us last year in our league final only to get hammered out in the National championship game. they are 3-0 as are we, it is shaping up to be a barn burner.

I however,probably wont be able to play, yesterday while getting off the bus some douchebag vagrant fresh out of jail with the "scary" tatts and unkempt beard that he must have thought was intimidating, picked a fight with me, he sucker punched me in the side of the face bending my glasses and bloodying my nose, after I got off the bus. I then put him on the ground with a goose neck takedown and gave him the business for a good 5 minutes, stopping when a couple bystanders pulled me off of him. as I was getting up he tried to punch me in the junk so I kicked him in the guts and punched him one last time. he blew a bunch of blood on one of the guys who pulled me off and then swore at the guy. a lady yelled " Ive called the police" and buddy grabbed his backpack and wobbled away down the street. I waited for about 15 minutes , no police so I walked to across the street and went to work. anyway, I called it in because i figured he would go to the hospital and I didnt wnat anyone saying I was hiding form the police, and sure enough a guy matching his description about 6-2 maybe 200 pounds, ginger beard and tattoos wearing blue and white striped tshirt with white cargo shorts checked into emerge at one of the hospitals here a few hours later claiming he had been mugged. I have a slight swelling and mouse under my left eye, a stuff hand and very sore ribs, apparently when i put the guy on the ground I did something to my ribs. what pisses me off is I dont think I can play with my ribs like this, cant hardly breathe. I posted some stuff about it on my facebook, no idea who the two good samaritans were but they probably kept me out of jail by pulling me off.
Yeah Mike, I just got the call from the clinic, no fracture, so its all torn connective tissue and muscle. I have some crazy antiinflams but I dont have any good painkillers, I am gonna bring my stuff, Ill dress when we get there and give it a go, we have a bye week and dont play again for 2 weeks so I will call it at gametime lol you are right mike, im only gonna be playing for a while longer, dont wanna lose games to stupidity.

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