BGO's First Moderator: Neophyte


Burgundy & Gold Jacket
Staff member
BGO Founder
Apr 11, 2009
Reaction score
Montclair, VA
At the risk of embarrassing the man ... it is our distinct pleasure to announce that Neophyte has accepted our invitation to become BGO's first Moderator.

While his decision troubles us deeply and calls into question the very qualities that attracted us to him in the first place (judgment, wisdom, sanity), we have chosen to proceed anyway and begin the slow inexorable process of ruining the man's life.

Given we are just getting started and setting our course here on BGO, this is probably a good place to say a couple of things we hope all will take a moment to read and understand.

Neophyte, and the entire BGO staff, believe that message board moderating is best done behind the scenes; that the best moderating is that which no one ever sees or even realizes is happening.

We will not threaten publicly. We will not be heavy-handed and embarrass our members. When need arises, we will contact those causing problems privately, identify the problem to them and ask them politely to stop. If they do, that will be the end of it. And if they are either unwilling or unable to comply, they will simply lose their right to be part of the community.

In short, we will treat everyone as adults, and expect adult behavior in return.

On another front, when you see a staff member post an opinion on a matter, please understand that what he says has nothing to do with his position as a staff member, and everything to do with expressing a personal opinion. We are all lifelong Redskins fans on the BGO staff; if we were not, we would not be here. Accepting a role on staff will never lose one the right to enjoy being a vocal fan of the Washington Redskins, and we ask that our members please keep that in mind when engaging us in conversation.

Okay, enough serious stuff. Back to embarrassing Bob.

It is our sincere hope that Neophyte's role as moderator will not affect his unshakable calm, unaffected courtesy, quiet wit or crisp insight. And as noted above, we hope that his being charged with helping maintain order and civil discourse in our community will not affect the way you, honored guests and members, will treat him. We hope you will continue to treat him as we will (badly), and as the same magnificent lug and genuinely nice guy he's proven himself to be for many years.

We're proud to have you aboard, Neophyte.

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Bob/Neo is one of the most generous, humble, talented, and just all-around good guys I have had the pleasure to meet on the interwebs. It took about 3 seconds for the Owners to determine he was perfect. We're fortunate he's willing to align himself with us publically :)

Bob will continue to serve as a staff writer (as author of a great new blog 'Behind Enemy Lines' when he's not busy defending truth, justice, and goshdarnit, the American Way.

We are excited to have him with us in both capacities :cheers:
Thanks guys. The check for the kind words is in the mail. ;)

For the record, working with an ownership group like this site has is a bit of a no brainer. At the risk of sounding a bit hokie, its an honor to be asked to serve.

And I really don't expect game days to be to bad, WD. I have tested the Search function here and it works pretty well. :D
Congrats, Neophyte-the owners made an amazingly astute choice in selecting you.

Let's see,you're now going to be a message board moderator...

...of a message board filled with over-the-top 'Skins fans...hmmm... by Om and Boone....


I'll remember you in my prayers.
Don't believe a thing they told you about me:)

Good luck. Hopefully, this will be an easy job for ya
So, Neo is The One. :)

Well done guys. Congrats Bob.
Very nice. We might have to craft a special avatar ...

I can work with that. :)

Don't worry brother, you don't have to keep it. :cool:
Oh my... Leave you guys alone for a few hours and this is what happens.
Give that man a BAN HAMMER!


Congratz Neo! Make Zion proud. :cool4:

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