BGO Features
Home Page - our portal page houses the broad, ever-changing array of links, modules and features offered by BGO, as noted below. Make this your first stop each and every time to log in to keep abreast of developments and take advantage of all that BGO has to offer.

Forums - BGO's bread and butter: the accumulated wisdom, passion and camaraderie of the membership. Lively, intelligent discussion is the daily bread here--focused primarily, of course, on the Washington Redskins--but as you will see, also an invitation to broader horizons.

BG Overdrive - Vote for the most insightful, well-written posts in the forums. When a post gets enough votes it is automatically published, with credit to the author, to the "Voice of BGO" (with its live RSS feed). This one you really need to see to appreciate. Coming Soon!

- Registered Members can upload up to 2500 Kilobytes (approx. 20 JPG's @ 600x600 pixels)

NFL Pick'em - one thing about pro football fans, most of us think we have a handle on what is going to happen; who will be good who will end up picking top five next April. Well, here's a chance to put yourself to the test. Compete in our fully-automated NFL Pick'em contest (it's free) and prove your pigskin wisdom to yourself and the BGO community ... oh, and win sweet prizes while you're at it.

BGO Links - we have set out to build the Redskins universe's most comprehensive, interactive, intuitive living links resource. Submit links, rate, discuss and comment on them, and help shape the evolution of this valuable resource.

Avatars - BGO's avatar system is a little different, with a unique look and scheme we hope you will enjoy. We have set up four "tiers" of customized in-house avatars for you to choose from, as set out below"
Tier 1: 0-50 posts or 1 month, whichever comes first. Helmets, logos, assorted Redskins-related bling.
Tier 2: 51-500 posts or 1 year, whichever comes first. Current Redskins players, coaches, front office personnel.
Tier 3: 501-2000 posts or 2 years, whichever comes first. Former players, coaches, Redskins moments.
Tier 4: 2001 posts or 3 years, whichever comes first. Redskins legends, Hall of Famers, Redskins glory.
- new avatars are always being added, so check back often.
- BGO Premium members have access to the entire collection.
- check out the BGO Avatar Gallery link below for details on our avatar project.

BGO Avatar Gallery - Click any custom BGO avatar, and you will be taken to a BGO Photo Gallery page featuring the corresponding full-size picture, along with pertinent biographical, statistical or historical information. The BGO Gallery also includes an Avatar Suggestions category through which we invite you to post proposed new source pictures for avatars, along with any informational links/write-ups you think appropriate. Don't worry about customizing the pictures to the BGO format; we'll take care of that.

Newstand - BGO runs live RSS feeds to a number of Redskins, NFL and D.C. sports-related sites. Make regular visits to the Newsstand to keep abreast of developments as they occur in the sports and for the teams you follow most passionately.

BGO Chat - all BGO members have 24/7 access to our chatrooms to join group and/or private chats. Count on this being a bustling feature come Fall Sundays.

BGO Store - we know our burgundy and gold obsession doesn't end when we log off. If yours doesn't either, consider taking it out into the world with you. Check out our ever-growing line of BGO gear.
Note: 10%-20% of proceeds go to support BGO, the rest to the fine people at for providing a great service.

BGO Mobile - for the Redskins fan on the go, here is your ticket to stay plugged in to BGO, keep up with the latest news and discussions, from your mobile device. Easy to use, clean and simple, it's a must-have for the mobile burgundy and gold obsessed.

The Media Guides - if we were to try to tell you about this feature, we would probably say something about the indescribably rich, detailed history of all things burgundy and gold covered in seventy-plus years of Redskins press and media guides ... but we won't waste our cyberbreath. Trust us, just click the link.

And it's so easy to use, even a Cowboys fan can do it.

NFL Spy (Home page) - Sun Tzu said, “Know your enemy and know yourself and you can fight a hundred battles without disaster.” Armchair generals and Monday Morning QB's need to know their enemies too, so we've done the legwork for you and reconnoitered the NFL battlefield.

BGO Radio (Home page) - if you have ever heard of, you don't need the full power of this feature explained, you'll know what to do. And if Pandora is new to you, it is our pride and privilege to bring it to you and add a layer to your BGO experience you will simply have to experience to appreciate.

NFL Rules Robot (Home page) - think you know the NFL Rulebook? Maybe so. But on the BGO portal, you'll find it in black and white, easily searchable and understandable, for those occasions you find yourself in need of a little factual foundation for that lively debate going on in your favorite forum.

Redskins Recordbook (Home page) - if it is a Redskins record, you'll find it here. Check the dropdown menu on our front page to avail yourself of the best, and worst, of the past seventy-plus years of Washington Redskins records.

Redskins Flashback (Home page) - a regularly updated module featuring highlight, lowlights and probably even some sidelights of the long, rich history of the professional football franchise from the Nation's Capital.

Fan Map - you found BGO, now let BGO find you. Please take a minute to enter your location (don't worry, we don't want your address) and help us build a fan map worthy of the global phenomenon that are your Washington Redskins.

Registered Members can receive/manage visitor messages, plus add a personal "mini-youtube video."

Social Groups - this feature allows you to create your own community-within-a-community. You moderate it, you set the permissions (we may poke our heads in once in a while to make sure everyone's playing nice). Registered Members may create up to three social groups; Premium Members are only limited in how many by, well ... common sense.

User Albums - Upload photos (Premium members can use these images to customize their blogs and/or profiles.

Goldbrick - BGO uses an application that makes adding videos to your posts a breeze. Simply cut and paste the video's URL (Goldbrick recognizes most commonly used video sites--if you find one it does not, just let us know) into your post. When you're done, simply hit "Submit." When your post comes up, your video will appear with as a clickable thumbnail, with the video title parsed and ready to go. Goldbrick will also create a clickable thumbnail icon for any standard audio file you wish to post (mp3, wmv, etc.)

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