BGO Draft Chat


The Commissioner
Staff member
BGO Founder
Apr 11, 2009
Reaction score
Greensboro, NC
Military Branch
Marine Corps
Alma Mater
Join us in the chatroom at 8 p.m. if you like (remember Internet Explorer is your best option with the current version of our chatroom - although we are working on that).
Anyone chatting?
Maybe later on - let's use this as a draft thread for now.
Sounds good to me. IE on my computer is slow as dirt anyway.
Goodell gets a nice, warm reception.

NE reaches a bit for the CB from my alma mater.

And we are off and running on day two!
No one on ESPN is admitting they were wrong or surprised by the Bills selection.

This is going to make our option for a QB more interesting. We'll see what Cincy does.
Dalton does not look at all pleased with the news! :laugh:
Yeah, we could have options very soon.

Not too many here - some could be thinking that it started later.

Dalton gone. Mr. Palmer, do as you wish, lol.
Boomer saying the color of his hair fits the team. Hilarious!
Well, we are definitely gonna get inundated with commercials tonight!

There goes my mock in rd. 2. Hold out some hope for the second pick though. Well, do we go for Mallet if he is there?
Well, Arizona could be a key here.

I will say this - my preference for the last week was to get Kaepernick in round 2 with Mallet being the next choice.
I would rather have had Andy Dalton. I like the value versus risk of McElroy in the later rounds than I do Mallet now. The kid seemed like a real dull wit on Gruden's QB Camp. Not stupid by any means! Just not sharp like you want to see in an NFL QB.

Please take Mallet Cards!
There goes Williams. Mallet will be there for the taking - if we so choose. Or does another great trade offer come?
You think Bowers could end up in Dallas?

Edit: Hopefully the Raiders offer a trade to pick Mallet.

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