here..this is a secret i am going to share with you that most IT techs use.
type in that file name and hit enter.
Come on now, how retarded do you think I am? Don't answer that
That was literally the very first thing I did. I exhausted every option before I posed the question. Trust me, I hate asking for help with anything, so I don't do it until I have done everything I can possibly do first.
I called my friend in Florida who's been a tech for years, and he even tried to fix it remotely and couldn't. This is a kid that used to work on government systems. He said everything about this program didn't make sense, and that it seemed to be able to make itself disappear and reappear at will for no reason. No rootkit, no embedded scripts, nothing that would make it possible existed.
What I ended up having to do was backup all my important files, and delete my hard drive and start completely from scratch. Thanks to a lot of patience, a lot of cigarettes, and The Pirate Bay, I was able to get everything back to normal.
I was genuinely surprised by how long it took to manually redo everything, I honestly thought I could do it in an hour or so. Pffffft, took damn near half a day. It is truly a sight to behold when you have to individually reinstall everything from scratch. Not a job I wish on anyone.
For what it's worth, he did say that BGO had nothing to do with it, and explained in tech jargon why it wasn't possible, but he did do some checking when he had the remote connection and said that there seems be a glitch or hiccup with the external server you guys use. He said the load times and some other crap I can't remember were dragging, and it wasn't just on my end. He just said it's more obvious for me, because I don't have a higher end computer like some people have, and that I am using DSL instead of cable.