I don't see either of them as more than placeholders, China. Rex's talent and potential, IMO, lies somewhere between What FS and Boone think. He is better than FS gives him credit for, but I think what drives Al crazy is the mistakes. Shanny can fix some of those perhaps, but Rex has shown that he has poor judgment, and I'm not sure that ever completely goes away. Look at Favre - never went away completely. Making mistakes because you mis read the coverage or we unclear about a route being run, or should have had better pocket awareness is one thing; poor judgment, IMO, is completely different. Knowing for sure which mistakes are due to teammates and which are his fault is difficult. Some of them are correctable, but my concern is that when things break down, Rex's bad judgment will rear it's ugly head.
Beck is interesting, mostly because he is a completely unknown quantity. Yes, he is 30, but it is a young 30. I am just guessing on this, but if he went to BYU, could he have gone on one of the Mormon mission trips that is required and thats why he is a bit older? Anyway, I don't see him being the answer as very likely either. I feel like you do China, that talent usually bubbles up, and the fact that it hasn't yet for Beck is worrisome. Also, fair or not, at this point given the McNabb fiasco, I trust the Ravens scouting department more than ours when it domes to QBs. Not a great sign they gave him up so willingly.
My guess is that we are looking to draft a QB at this time next year.
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