BGO Arcade: New Games!


The Commissioner
Staff member
BGO Founder
Apr 11, 2009
Reaction score
Greensboro, NC
Military Branch
Marine Corps
Alma Mater
For fans of the BGO Arcade, we've added 75 new games this week. Just click on the 'New Additions' tab in the arcade menu.

Also take note that we have a 'Tournament' feature in our arcade, where you can either join a posted tournament and compete to be the best in a particular game contest, or start your own tournament for others to join.

Another way to have fun with the arcade is to use our 'Challenge' feature. Click on a premium member's name and the 'Challenge _____ in the Arcade' link. You can issue a private challenge to best you in any of our arcade games. The 'challenged' member will recieve a private message challenge and have the option to either accept or to shrink, retreat, and find a corner to cower in.

We'd love to see folks start using those other fun options in the Arcade!

There are open tournaments just waiting for members to join - man up!

And if you don't have a premium membership, access to our Arcade is a great reason to upgrade :) Every penny of premium membership funds goes directly to site improvements and upgrades (such as our recent addition of chatroom and private chat software).
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Permission to kill China and Extreme please! They have too many championships in there!

We're not too far out from re-zeroing the scores BB...that always elicits a lot of griping from those dominating the standings, but I think it keeps things fresh. I'll probably reset all the 'top scores' back to zero in a month or so :)
Actually Boone, that isn't a bad idea. As I am sure China can also attest to, me and him have both amassed a few pretty untouchable scores. A fresh start is good.
I've been trying to top China's 'XBall' score for a month+...I have no idea how he achieved that score.....
I've been trying to top China's 'XBall' score for a month+...I have no idea how he achieved that score.....
Trust me, I know what you mean. There are a handful of games we keep duking it out on where I broke his record by a whole lot, what I thought was unbeatable. Then he'd come in, beat mine by a ton, then I'd bet that by a ton, and it is absurd how every time I beat a score and think my is unbeatable, he will break the hell out of it, then I return the favor. It's a cycle we've gone through on a few games to the point where scores I thought were untouchable a month ago are down to tenth on the list and pathetic in comparison.

I have learned the path to victory is persistence :D
Make that 75 new games... that ought to give you guys something to do in between war movies this weekend :)
Make that 75 new games... that ought to give you guys something to do in between war movies this weekend :)
It's strange how you knew what I was doing. Quit hiding in my bushes :laugh:

I watched Apocalypse Now:Redux last night, and Full Metal Jacket this morning. It's been a pretty awesome lineup so far.
Yes, there are a number of games where Extreme and I have gone back and forth, a few of which I gave up on because to beat the score I'd need to be in idiot savant mode or play for days on end or both.

Feel free to zero out the scores. Probably the only one I would wince about would be Zorbatron.

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