Ben Is Up For Trade...

Got this from a friend, but its hilarious. Blazing Saddles FTW!

Al Davis: Qualifications?
Big Ben: Rape, murder, arson and rape.
Al Davis: You said rape twice!
Big Ben: I like rape.

EDIT: to clarify, I do not find rape hilarious, I find Blazing Saddles hilarious.
I'm not saying it absolutely can't happen but I will believe it when I see it. Granted, they just picked up Leftwich who has played well in the Pittsburgh offensive system (how well we Skins fans know it too!) in the past so that reduces the pressure to keep Ben but still . . . Byron has not gotten to the big one, much less won it twice.

I don't know, maybe I am just too cynical to believe any team in the NFL has such high moral character as to jettison a proven winner because he is an off field embarrassment. I would like to think it possible, you understand. I just don't. Not today.

No offense mugsy but since this rumor is not tied to the Skins in some direct way I'm going to move it to the NFL forum. If that changes, I will move it back.
Probably just throwing him out there to "scare" him some more.

Of course if he does get traded, Dad's everywhere at his new home will have to lock up their daughters
I fear what would be happening if we hadn't gotten McnABB

That said, I think if the Steelers got a really, really good offer for him, they'd ship him out
I really believe that if Vinny were still here, we'd be going after Big Ben...ugh, the though makes me sick!
I've heard the Stillers are looking for a 1st round pick. Can they really get that for a guy who's gonna be potentially suspended 6 games?? I guess...but dayum.

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