Been awhile


The Starter
Jan 8, 2010
Reaction score
Wheatland, ca
I haven't logged in for quite sometime. I rebuilt my puter some time ago and had the usual updates and resetting password issues and such.I love this board and find it to be the most pleasant site on the net for discussing our mutual bond with the Redskins. I visited the site on a daily basis.
I've resisted the option to log back in and post anything. Being a longtime loyal Skins fan for a long time has certainly had it's up and downs for the past 40 years or so:insane::cool4::clap2::cry::toilet: etc.
That being said... I've come to the realization that I need to come out of the closet so to speak and admit to myself and others that I'm a longtime suffering:help: homer for my beloved Redskins.:moon:
There is soo much frustration concern and disappointment for the generally epic problems we all face in our real life in the U.S. and abroad.... It's becoming very hard to have an issue or cause to actually feel any significant hope for improvement in the near future. On the other hand the Redskins have some reasonable hope for a brighter future.
That being's a no brainer the Skins should sign T.O A.S.A.P:moon:
He's not on my short list for team leader by a long site. I must admit he didn't really cause any significant disruption for the Bills or the Bengals.
Dude is healthy and a physical speciman and a poster child for physical fitness. Even in his bad years T.O. is arguably better than our number one reciever. I'm 100% certain he would be cap friendly and behave himself for at least 8 games.:drummer: He would address our largest need on offense. A reliable redzone option. I would be in favor of using Hankerson outside of the redzone and T.O. in the redzone.
Welcome back!

Signing TO is the exact opposite of what this team needs to do, IMO. Signing TO would be an option if we were looking to be competitive now, which just isn't in the cards. Play Austin/Hank/Paul to get them game experience, and see what they bring to the table. TO hampers their development by taking PT away from them. Not to mention, he's the exact type of player Shanahan just got done jettisoning from the team for poor attitude.

No thank you!
Welcome back!

Signing TO is the exact opposite of what this team needs to do, IMO. Signing TO would be an option if we were looking to be competitive now, which just isn't in the cards. Play Austin/Hank/Paul to get them game experience, and see what they bring to the table. TO hampers their development by taking PT away from them. Not to mention, he's the exact type of player Shanahan just got done jettisoning from the team for poor attitude.

No thank you!

can't argue with this.
Moss is pretty much a nonfactor for the remainder of the season. Hankerson is the next option. Bringing in T.O has no downside...think about it... would the signing of T.O. hinder our options in the next draft?
Would the signing of T.O. really compromise our playoff hopes? LOL
Perhaps he could improve our overall talent pool at wr without compromising future development.... I mean like who is our # 1 reciever going into the Buffalo game? Gaffney? or Armstrong? Are you going to say with a straight face that T.O isn't at the very least better than our second option? this really a conversation?

TO is NOT even our 5th best option. (straight face)
Seriously, are you that disillustioned about our talent at WR? I'm certainly not!I'm not making fun of a well respected and well deserved rep on this board... that being said....As a Skins fan we have endured more than our fair share of shame. All I'm saying is we haven't had a true go to wr since Ellard.. thats right I said it Lol
Nice to see you back Cycleans :cheers:

I think the Redskins had their little dalliance with hiring former enemies with Deion and won't repeat that approach. I think T.O. can still help an NFL team, but it won't be the Redskins. The biggest reason NOT to hire him (even if we were so inclined) is obviously that we kept 7 WRs and need to find out if any of them beyond Moss have a future here.
Besides logging on, apparently it's also been awhile since you studied football, if you actually want TO on our team, at this point :laugh:

That comment is perfect.

If you were on some other Redskins board.
The Bengals and Bills have maintained and established a decent overall perspective for improvement without sacraficing potential talent for the future.
You can call me delusional or a homer whichever you might prefer. There isn't a player on our present roster that draws anything resembling a significant threat inside the redzone. To think T.O. isn't at least a better target in the redzone than Armstrong or Gaffney? Sorry to say but whose being delusional?
Seriously, are you that disillustioned about our talent at WR? I'm certainly not!I'm not making fun of a well respected and well deserved rep on this board... that being said....As a Skins fan we have endured more than our fair share of shame. All I'm saying is we haven't had a true go to wr since Ellard.. thats right I said it Lol

I think you are missing the point - you are 100% correct that TO might be better than any WR on our roster at the moment (he IS recovering from ACL surgery at 37 years old - there is a very real possibility he is done for despite being a physiological freak), but that is not the point. I'd be willing to bet Jerry Rice in his 40s might be better than some of the WRs on our roster right now, but I would never advocate signing him!

The point, brother, is that we have young guys on the roster who are relatively unknown at the moment, and need this time to shine. Sink or swim. Baptism by fire. Whatever you want to call it - this is their chance to step up and show what they have. If Terrence Austin starts playing like Miles Austin, we'll all be pretty happy, right? But if TO is on the field taking even 5 snaps a game away from Austin, maybe we'll miss that one big play.

Then, there is also the confidence factor - how will our young WRs feel about bringing in a 37 year-old coming off of reconstructive knee surgery? If I'm a Niles Paul or Hankerson who haven't seen that many snaps, and TO comes in ahead of me (and let's be honest - TO isn't going to sing anywhere that won't start him), I might lose confidence in my abilities.

On top of all that, you've got the turd sandwich factor in the locker room - which really should be the primary reason to not bring him in. So no, I do not think bringing in TO as a short-term solution is a good idea. Not one iota. :)

But again, welcome back!

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