Avengers Trailer is Up

And oh yeah... Scarlett is hooooootttttttt.

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I'll be seeing that.

Too bad Edward Norton Jr. didn't come back as Bruce Banner.
I'll be seeing that.

Too bad Edward Norton Jr. didn't come back as Bruce Banner.

Yeah, I don't like the guy they have playing him. I don't know what it is, but something about him irks me.
Yeah, I don't like the guy they have playing him. I don't know what it is, but something about him irks me.

Is that Mark Ruffalo?

I just think the Juniors would have stolen the show riffing off each other if they were both in the movie. Ed's a big enough star and a good enough actor to keep from being typecast I think. Bleh.

That won't keep me from seeing it though. Looks quite promising. Did any of you guys see the Easter Egg at the end of Captain America?
I was talking specifically about the easter egg at the end of the credits. It was a trailer for the Avengers movie.

... And after some digging yes that is mark ruffalo. He'll be ok.
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Love the Iron Man movies. This one looks like fun too :)
Norton and Marvel got into a dispute over the original Hulk. They asked him to come on and promised him creative control and cut a lot of the stuff he wanted out on the final cut of the film. Some of the stuff he wanted stayed but a majority of it was cut out.

Reasoning was that it would make the film too long and that it was dialogue driven as opposed to action and characters.

Mark Ruffalo will probably be fine but Norton did such a great job as Bruce Banner that I was pissed to see him go. It's not the first time Marvel has ****ed something up.
I just think the Juniors would have stolen the show riffing off each other if they were both in the movie. Ed's a big enough star and a good enough actor to keep from being typecast I think. Bleh.

That won't keep me from seeing it though. Looks quite promising. Did any of you guys see the Easter Egg at the end of Captain America?

The "two Juniors" would have been worth the price of admission right there. Looks like it might be fun anyway, tho'.

Need to clean up my keyboard now.

Thanks for posting Mike, I saw it on Twitter earlier, but forgot to click and watch. Big Joss Whedon fan, can not wait to see this.
Where are Superman and Spidey? Aquaman?
If all will excuse me I need to go get some oxygen. :)
After the first trailer I wasn't all that convinced I would go see this, however after this trailer..............excuse me while I change my drawers.
You know, growing up I would hear others talk about things like:

"I went to see Star Wars ten times"

"I saw Jaws seven times" Etc.

And thought they were weird. lol

Went to see this movie this afternoon and took my son with me. I want to go see it again tomorrow. lol

My goodness! Everything my imagination would do when I was a kid reading comic books came to life in this movie and seemed possible!!

Don't know who was giddier, me or my son!! lol

Great movie. Hulk just about steals the show......
Changd my mind and bought tickets online. O. M. G.

Wow. Not sure what else to say but wow. I mean, DAMN. I loved The Dark Knight as a character driven comic book movie. But as far as a Summer-fun-popcorn movie? This may be the best comic book movie I have seen. And I grew up a huge comic book nerd as well DP, and had high expectations. But... DAMN.

I'm all-in on Joss Whedon too (yes, I have every season of BTVS on DVD - sue me), his dialouge is smart and fast, awesome fight scenes without an over-reliance on CGI, just a great effing movie.

Oh, and DP? The Hulk OWNS the final 30 minutes...
Oh, and DP? The Hulk OWNS the final 30 minutes...
After sleeping on it last night, I agree with that.

I'm gonna have to see it again and then buy it when it comes out on DVD.

ScoJo is gonna get $20M for the Avengers sequel. Wowsers! Maybe she shows some skin?
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