Athletes Serving Athletes


The Commissioner
Aug 1, 2009
Reaction score
Alma Mater
Florida State
Instead of trying to tell you guys what this is, I while just attach their mission statement:

To provide the opportunity for challenged athletes to pursue an active lifestyle by experiencing the thrill of athletic competition otherwise inaccessible to them.

My friend David has been inspired to be of Service. He found his calling as Director of ASA. Today I am heading out to support him in his endeavor at the Chestertown Half Marathon in Chestertown, MD. I cannot run it, but I am going to help in any way I can, with camera in hand. If you have a moment to be on the site today, please take the time to see the good work he does.

The smile on this girl's face is the reason I wanted to bring this cause to the attention of the members on this message board.
Your friend David definitely qualifies as one of the "good guys". Great story, El. :)
Here is the latest from ASA. Shane just participated in a Tri-atholon in Iowa.

Shane has muscular dystrophy, so if it weren't for the love and sacrifice of the members of ASA, he would never be able to live the dream of participating in such an event.

They completed the race about 20 minutes ago.
Well, I had the opportunity to give my time today to my friend's cause. There is a school in Baltimore City (Baer School) that is catered to children with disabilities that does a race for the kids inside the school and they call it Baer-a-tholon.

The school is essentially a square so they have the kids race around the perimeter hallway 2 times.

What a great day of wonderful smiles! The girl featured in the image from the OP is one of the students at the school and her infectious smile lit up today!

Unfortunately, due to confidentiality issues, I cannot post images. I will try to figure out which ones I can post after I submit them... The smiles on these kids' faces is heart warming!
Those are some great causes you've been capturing El. Kudos to all the organizers as well.

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