Arrington Pulls No Punches at Former Employer in WJFK Debut


The 1st Round Pick
Jul 16, 2009
Reaction score

Here's the good news about Washington's new sports talk radio station, WJFK (106.7 FM): When the sun goes down in my neck of the Northern Virginia woods, 50 miles west of the White House, I can actually get the signal loud and clear on the car radio.

Here's some bad news: There are reports that Redskins owner Daniel Snyder, who already owns the other sports talker WTEM (980 AM) may be angling to buy WJFK for his group of Red Zebra stations. That subject was discussed at length on WJFK's very first day Monday in a lively segment of the afternoon drive time show hosted by former Redskins linebacker Lavar Arrington and Chad Dukes.

"The man is obsessed with controlling the media," Dukes said.

Responded Arrington: "I would imagine there are bigger things to focus on rather than come in and try to put another radio station under his thumb."

Dukes: "When is enough enough

Oh wow, Lavar takes shots at Snyder and the Skins.
I'm completely surprised.
Shocking and soooooooo original. So I suppose now that B-Mitch is gone Lavar is taking up his schtick.

Why can't we have more people who can come on the radio and talk football without being an infomercial for the Redskins or be there mainly to trash the team at every move or game played.
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I don't know abou the "set-up" part, but I can tell you from someone with first hand experience, dan snyder is not someone you would want to work for. Ever.
When Pinocchio says, "I've sold my home here, and I'm moving back to Pennsylvania for good", I'll give a damn what he has to say.
To be fair I have listened to the show the past 2 days and his critic of the team and ownership has been about par for what we have already heard.

He has even praised the owner for wanting to be successful and not being scared to spend the money. About Cerratto he mentioned that he is a football guy who knows the NFL very well. Not overly critical as others who were/are on the radio. I have heard a whole lot worse out of the mouths of Czaban and Polin by far!

But the Dukes guy I guess is supposed to play the bad cop...he seems like the one that is not pulling any punches. He has a slick little way about himself...loud and fast talking he seems as if he hates the owner and takes personal shots at him and Lavar tries to put what Dukes is saying into more of a perspective. Being the ex-player who has seen the inner workings he tries to portray things in a better light.
LOD, good to hear it's not Redskins-bash fest that I used to see when Lavar and B-Mitch were on Comcast.

Since today is Day 3 hopefully it was more of lets get the obvious stuff out of the way, so they can move on hopefully to some real football discussions. Whoever is in charge hopefully is smart enough to keep they guys from going totally overboard in the bashing because who would want to listen to that all the time.

But the other discussions where pretty good Vick, Rothelesberger(sp) so I will tune in.
Yeah, LoD I thought the convo on Vick was very good. Lavar made some very good and eloquent points. From what I heard of the show, it was hit and miss. I only listened that one day, which I think was their first or second day. The interview with Jason was pretty good, and the Vick bit was well done too. I felt like when they started talking about Snyder and all that, it seemed like it became a whine-fest for Arrington to continually talk about his situation. Maybe that was more Dukes egging him on.

I'll check it out again, maybe it's better than I thought.
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As a fan that spent years waiting for Arrington to become a complete player and move beyond the hype of being #56, do I now have to wait another 5 years for Lavar to move on and stop feeding at the trough of the Washington Redskins?

Doesn't this guy have anything else he can do for a dollar?
Posted via BGO Mobile Device
Regardless of what Arrington says, having observed him multiple times in a locker room setting, I personally think he's an arrogant self-serving ass. I've never seen anyone play the fool and roll out the primadonna act like Arrington did during the several years I got to cover the team. I'm no Snyder defender, but I think Arrington earned whatever treatment he ultimately got.

This will be the perfect gig for him. He can blather non-stop about the injustice of it all, but he won't have to ride the bench in the meantime.

I still haven't forgiven him for blitzing at the end of that Panther's game and allowing Stephen Effing Davis to sweep past where Arrington should have been for the winning touchdown.

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As a fan that spent years waiting for Arrington to become a complete player and move beyond the hype of being #56, do I now have to wait another 5 years for Lavar to move on and stop feeding at the trough of the Washington Redskins?

Doesn't this guy have anything else he can do for a dollar?
Posted via BGO Mobile Device
Oh I think he's well aware of his missed potential and I don't think he'll ever look at himself as being responsible.

The guy is not introspective IMO, and will look to blame everyone else, whether that's Bubba Tyer for failing to heal his knee properly or the carousel of coaches that never allowed him to achieve his potential or ultimately Dan Snyder, an easy scapegoat given Snyder's overall control during Arrington's tenure.

bulldog--you've got at least another 5 years of waiting, my friend. :)
Oh wow, Lavar takes shots at Snyder and the Skins.
I'm completely surprised.
Shocking and soooooooo original. So I suppose now that B-Mitch is gone Lavar is taking up his schtick.

Why can't we have more people who can come on the radio and talk football without being an infomercial for the Redskins or be there mainly to trash the team at every move or game played.

ummm.....I would dispute the idea that making a gentle jab at Snyder is the same thing as taking a shot at the Skins. Arrington will talk Skins - some good stuff, some bad stuff.

Relax Francis......
Why can't we have more people who can come on the radio and talk football without being an infomercial for the Redskins or be there mainly to trash the team at every move or game played.

I agree to an extent, but we've had moderate, sensible analysis on the Skins from guys like Bram Weinstein - and fans from one extreme or the other want to run guys like that out on a rail - because they either want the front office/ownership portrayed as misunderstood underachievers or satanic forces hellbent on destroying the franchise. Level-headedness and a moderate viewpoint is anathema to most fans.

That's the way I see it anyway.

That's why guys like Czaban, Brian Mitchell, and others with pretty extreme viewpoints thrive on Sports Radio. And why I won't be surprised if Arrington does. :)
I think that's exactly right J.

People tune into talk radio for a viewpoint: a viewpoint they love or a viewpoint they hate.

I can't really think of any extremely succesful "moderate" talk radio personalities--what draws interest (and therefore sells radio advertising) is partiality and bias.

A middle, tolerant ground is much harder to make interesting--one would have to rely on original insight and research (i.e., lots of preparation) rather than a stark, harsh, reactionary views (i.e., potentially very little preparation) in order to garner the same level of interest.

I hazard to guess that many talk radio hosts just don't have the desire or time to develop the former and have seen how lucrative it can be to be the latter (and with less work too).
I actually enjoy the Arrington and Dukes show, besides Lavar consistently butchering the English language.

Doesn't this guy have anything else he can do for a dollar?

Well, his restaurant went bankrupt, so I'd say no. ;)

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