Arrested Development is BACK!


The Legend
Feb 1, 2010
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Waynesboro, VA
Alma Mater
James Madison
"Arrested Development" is back. Really.

The cult classic television comedy about the travails of the rich, zany Bluth family, cancelled in 2006 after three seasons, will produce nine to ten new episodes and a movie, it was announced at The New Yorker Festival on Sunday.

"It's true. We will do 10 episodes and the movie. Probably shoot them all together next summer for a release in early '13. VERY excited!" leading actor Jason Bateman tweeted.

Smart and irreverent, the show also starred David Cross, Michael Cera, Portia De Rossi, Tony Hale, Alia Shawkat and Jessica Walter. It was executive produced by Ron Howard, who also provided narration.

Since its cancellation, the show has earned a fervent fan base, with constant speculation as to when -- or whether -- the show would be adapted into a movie. The cast, led by Bateman and Will Arnett, has frequently promised that a movie would be coming, though until now they've been unable to offer any specifics. As it turns out, that can be attributed to the difficulties of intellectual properties and broadcast rights.

“We don’t completely own the property, there are business people involved and studios and that kind of thing," creator Mitch Hurwitz said on Sunday, as quoted by the NY Times. "Just creatively, I have been working on the screenplay for a long time and found that as time went by, there was so much more to the story. In fact, where everyone’s been for five years became a big part of the story. So in working on the screenplay, I found even if I just gave five minutes per character to that back story, we were halfway through the movie before the characters got together.”

As such, the plan is to have one episode explore each character as a lead-in to the film.

Just over two weeks ago, Bateman, who starred this summer's comedies, "Horrible Bosses" and "The Change-Up," told Entertainment Weekly that he was frustrated that he couldn't give more details, but assured a film would be forthcoming.

In February, Hurwitz told Digital Spy that the process was underway, but couldn't say more.

I got so excited reading this I almost blue-d myself!

(There's got to be a better way to say that, buddy." lol!)

This was one of my favorite shows of all time! Nothing makes me happier than to read this!!!! It says a lot that the stars of this show (who were not exactly mainstream when the show was on- but really went up a level or 2 since the show) are still on board for this..... this was a unique show with brilliant writing. It was probably as heartbreaking for them as it was for the rest of us when it was canceled. I'm SO EXCITED ABOUT THIS!
I could never get into this show, but maybe I'll give it another shot.

"It's Ann, Dad.... you've met her and met her."
Will George-Michael still have a thing for Maeby?
I could never get into this show, but maybe I'll give it another shot.

This show really kind of has to be watched in order to *really* get the full impact of comedy gold. I'm sure that's one of the reasons why it didn't last- it was too hard for new-comers to get into it. They'd already missed too much.

I thought the election was over and Obama had been re-elected.
Oh snap!!! One of my all-time favorite shows.

One of my intramural softball team's uniforms in grad school was the "Never Nudes." Grown men and women running the bases in short, cutoff denim shorts...hysterical!
Realizing that I am biased, because this is, to me, one of the top two or three comedies of all time... it got canceled because it was ahead of its time by about 5 years. Had it premiered in 2009, it would have been a bigger hit, I think.

And yes, you can stream as many episodes as you want in a row from Netflix, it is not available on broadcast TV. It's like House of Cards with Kevin Spacey that Netflix produced recently.
Not better than Scrubs, no. At least not the first 5-6 seasons of Scrubs. Went downhill some after that. If you put an episode of AD, Scrubs or 30 Rock on TV and I'm walking by, generally I'm stopping to watch.
Realizing that I am biased, because this is, to me, one of the top two or three comedies of all time... it got canceled because it was ahead of its time by about 5 years. Had it premiered in 2009, it would have been a bigger hit, I think.

And yes, you can stream as many episodes as you want in a row from Netflix, it is not available on broadcast TV. It's like House of Cards with Kevin Spacey that Netflix produced recently.

Well...I guess I will give it another shot, from the beginning if its on Netflix. I tried to watch an episode again a couple weekends ago, and found myself chuckling, but not really into it.
Not better than Scrubs, no. At least not the first 5-6 seasons of Scrubs. Went downhill some after that. If you put an episode of AD, Scrubs or 30 Rock on TV and I'm walking by, generally I'm stopping to watch.

So you're saying Scrubs is top 2 of ALL TIME? Hmmm...very debatable. :)
On my own personal list? Yeah, I've got it really high. It's a damned funny show, consistently making me laugh even upon repeated viewings. You've gotta have the right sense of humor though, otherwise it just won't click.
On my own personal list? Yeah, I've got it really high. It's a damned funny show, consistently making me laugh even upon repeated viewings. You've gotta have the right sense of humor though, otherwise it just won't click.

Oh, I laugh at Scrubs just like any other red-blooded American, just saying I don't think its top 2 of all time. :)

I would put The Office, Cheers, The Cosby Show, Friends, & The Simpsons (seasons 1-8) all ahead of Scrubs, and those are just off the top of my head.

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