Anyone get stuff off Netflix or Hulu?


So I'm looking at my Direct TV bill and thinking "Why am I paying 70+ bucks a month for 5000 channels of nothing?"

I'm thinking of ditching Direct TV and just getting stuff off the internet. ANy suggestions?
Netflix is awesome, but limited to old stuff (some things are uploaded as soon as they air, but those are rare).

Hulu is awesome, but you have to deal with commercials (man, are we spoiled or what?).

On top of both of those, you can usually find internet streams of most sports, which can vary with quality. Live streams of TV is not something I'm familiar with, maybe someone else knows how to do that.
I love Netflix. Also, Netflix is getting better with the newer movies. Newer as in Star Trek, Law Abiding Citizen, Pelham 1,2,3, Growns Ups etc... If it is on Starz, it is on Netflix.

If you get Netflix and Hulu, you will be paying less than $20 a month combined. If it wasn't for Sunday Ticket, I would have already cancelled DTV. I only watch sports anyways.
Netflix is awesome, but limited to old stuff (some things are uploaded as soon as they air, but those are rare).

Hulu is awesome, but you have to deal with commercials (man, are we spoiled or what?).

On top of both of those, you can usually find internet streams of most sports, which can vary with quality. Live streams of TV is not something I'm familiar with, maybe someone else knows how to do that.

Not sure what you are talking about regarding Netflix and 'old stuff'?? That's somewhat true with television programs, but they carry more or less any movie you'd want - a lot of them for instant viewing. Netflix is great and getting better every year.
Not sure what you are talking about regarding Netflix and 'old stuff'?? That's somewhat true with television programs, but they carry more or less any movie you'd want - a lot of them for instant viewing. Netflix is great and getting better every year.

If you want to watch this week's episode of Law & Order on Netflix, you are out of luck. You have to wait until the show is released on DVD after the season is over, and then sometimes it isn't streamed due to some networks agreements with Hulu or whatever. That's what I meant by "old stuff."

EDIT: But if you are interested in streaming season 1 of "Friday Night Lights," for example, Netflix is completely awesome.
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Sarge, a lot of networks also stream their shows a couple of days after they air also - I frequently caught up on LOST this way through

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