Alison Krauss


The Commissioner
Aug 1, 2009
Reaction score
Alma Mater
Florida State
I have been a fan of hers for over a decade. She is far and above my favorite artist! Just thought I'd share that with you guys.

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I dig her too. I actually said hello to her on the phone once. A guy I worked with was a musician and was friends with Doc Watson, who was playing with her at the time.

She is unbelievably good imho.
Boone, I am jealous!
Have you heard her album with Robert Plant, Raising Sand? Its amazing.
Lanky, I was surprised how good it was. I am a huge Led Zeppelin fan and I know Plant has done many different styles of music since, but I was not expecting it to be a good album. I thought she would be way to much for him.

That is part of her talent! She makes those around her better.

I saw her do a duet with Shania Twain. Like her or not Shian has a decent voice. Of course in their duet, Shania was being Shania and took the lead. Alison sat back, accepted the role of harmony and the duet was fabulous.

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