Aikman and Buck


The Franchise Player
Jul 28, 2009
Reaction score
Yorktown, VA
I was curious to hear how Aikman and Buck did calling our game yesterday? During the Philly game they seemed pro Philly. Was yesterday any different?

Did they discuss the poor officiating and lack of holding calls on Orakpo?
they were very pro-GB in my opinion until Aikman said something and it seemed that Buck jumped on board with him. He said, "The Redskins are going to make a run of their own and I dont know if GB will be able to stop them" and after that it seemed like it was fair and balanced.

2 things though..1, I hate Buck and actually like Aikman. Troy might be my favorite commentator on TV for football and every time I say that I lash myself 20 times..haha

and 2, I am VERY aware when something is said negative about my Skins. I take it as a personal insult and I have asked my roommates to buy me little foam balls so I can throw them at the TV when people criticize my team. I can talk bad about them and a fellow fan can, but dont let anyone who isnt a diehard do it...biased..VERY biased.

I agree Mike, Aikman is a good analyst and I hate admitting that as well. Also, I think Phil Simms is pretty good, but he is a complete douche! Apologies for the language in this case, I simply cannot find a more accurate adjective to describe Phil Simms!
I thought it was pretty unbiased all around. What I have noticed is that when a team is doing well, commentators talk about that and so often sound biased when it is just going with the flow of the action.

I am not a Buck fan either but it has more to do with just not liking how he calls football games. I really don't think there are that many good play-by-play guys left in the business. Sadly, the networks seem to be looking for something other than guys who work hard at accuracy and information.

Aikman is simply the best color guy in the business today. Hands down.
2 things though..1, I hate Buck and actually like Aikman. Troy might be my favorite commentator on TV for football and every time I say that I lash myself 20 times..haha

I'm with you 100%, Mike. Aikman is the best color guy out there right now, IMO. If you didn't know he played for the Cowboys, you'd never figure it out by listening to him call a game. Hell, I'd be more inclined to think Buck played for the 'boys than Aikman.

That being said, I don't "hate" Buck. He mildly annoys me sometimes, but I still like that team overall. And I thought Aikman's assessment of the non-PI calls at the end of yesterday's game was pretty fair. I thought they were both PI, and he at least flat out said the first one should have been.

On the ol' 1-to10 scale, I'd give Aikman a high 9. Buck, a solid 7 1/2 or so.
Aikmans OK, nothing special. Collinsworth's the best, IMO. Aikman still says inane things like, "look at what he did onnthis replay here", no **** Troy. You're playing the replay on TV, pretty sure I'm gonna be watching it. Tell us WHY they did what what they did. Collinsworth is the best at that, though Aikman isn't terrible.
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Maybe he does? :)

I like his analysis, because he explains what is going on in that play, and then generally relates it to the rest of the game plan.

As opposed to saying, "look at this hit!" on the replay.
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I like Jaworski as a commentator. The way he shows the design of plays that succeed or fail and the reasons why are superior imho.

Buck and Aikman are fine, but when Troy started to criticize the situation at the end of the first half of the Eagles game too much, Terry Bradshaw was brought in for a period of time to settle Aikman down. Aikman got the message and was fine after that brief appearance by Bradshaw.
I like Sam Rosen and Tim Ryan.

Any of you guys listen to Sirius NFL Radio? And if you do, how bout the show "Moving the Chains" with Pat Kirwan and Tim Ryan??

Some TV exec is missing the boat because those two belong in a booth together on Sundays.

Their knowledge and the way they analyze/break down the game is second to none,IMO.
Funny. A similar thread is floating on one of the Packer boards I frequent and the consensus is that Aikman and Buck were most definitely pro-Redskin. In fact, it is widely accepted that Aikman still hates the Packers from his playing days and doesn't miss an opportunity to diss them when calling their games.


I personally think they're fine, although Buck can be annoyingly pompous.
I'll acknowledge that these two are probably the best broadcasting pair out there nowadays, but I get a little tired of hearing Aikman on every damn Redskins broadcast. He does a great job, but there's something about his voice that just gets on my nerves. Then again, I loved Theismann's style - so no doubt there's no accounting for tastes :)
Aren't Aikman and Buck the A Team?

If we're getting them a lot doesn't in mean we are in a lot of high-profile games?

I have a hard time complaining about that. :)

And I think both of them do fine. I haven't detected a bias from either of them.
Aikman and Buck are the A-TEAM....and I really like the analysis Aikman gives for games.

I absolutely can not stand listening to Collingsworth. He is a waste of sperm in my opinion.

Actually, I asked Troy a couple of questions on Twitter about Skins stuff, and he very politely answered me and didn't seem biased there either.

I think "Moose" is very biased when announcing.
I think Aikman is the best in the biz...Buck not so much. Interestingly their last game Buck was doing Baseball (woohoo...go Baseball, you can keep him!) and a Buckeye alum named Thom Brennaman was his replacement. BIGTIME improvement, the guy seemed objective and not in love with himself as much as Buck seems to be.

My only complaint of Aikman is something he has in common with Madden...their inability to see a glaring penalty in the foreground of the picture when analyzing how fantastically the D played on the previous call. I'll be out of my chair almost throwing stuff at my screen hoping they'll at least point out that the player got away with one but NO. They just muddle on through as if the glaring foul wasn't committed at all and will even go as far as to reference the play throughout the game without ever acknowledging the play happened because the defender got away with a mugging. Outside of that (I seriously wonder if their producers have told them NOT to revisit things they missed) I think Aikman does a phenomenal job of remaining unbiased in his calls especially given how loyal he really is to the Cowboys.

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