Adderrall is a banned substance in the NFL ? Really ??

Fear The Spear

The Legend
Sep 28, 2010
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BGO's Official Resident "Tech Dummy"
Just found about this when I heard a Cleveland player is about to be suspended for 4 games for testing positive for "Adderrall", which you most likely already know, is a LEGAL, PRESCRIPTION drug, for a LEGITIMATE condition.

So, how does the NFL justify this ?

Who are they to say that the Dr who prescribed him this, was in the wrong, and is not qualified to diagnosis and treat was is widely considered to be a legit condition ?

And does it really give them that much of an "unfair competitive edge" ?
Mental or physical ?
If so, maybe I should ask my Doctor to legally prescribe me some of this "perfectly legal magic powder"
It absolutely gives you an advantage. I had a friend who was taking it legitimately, and it gave him intense focus and concentration, he never got fatigued, and he could literally stay awake for days. Could you imagine an NFL player that could play all game and not get tired? Legit or not, there's no need for it not to be banned in all sports.
Only banned if you don't disclose you are taking it and it is prescribed right?

I've used it experimentally and after seeking a prescription for it. Its awesome if you need it. I needed it for a time but it is a controlled substance and it is not looked upon favorably by certain employers or government agencies who regulate certain industries.

So yeah I can see it banned because you can buy it at just about any bar in any college town and you can abuse it. Biggest problem I see for the NFL is dehydration... when I took it and worked in the heat (often) I would get severe bouts with leg cramps.

Not to hijack this thread but with all the lawsuits over confidential medical records all over the country how in the hell does the NFL leak this stuff all the time and not get tagged for it? I mean one day you'll read someone tested for adderral then the next day you'll read that they had a script for it.. Um that's legally protected information isn't it??? Same thing with antidepressants in the NFL several players have been found out in the public eye for taking them..... how is this not ending up as a bunch of lawsuits?
Yeah Aqib Talib? Doubt it!
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IMHO, Adderrall should be banned. I took it briefly for my Adult ADD. I did get some focus out of it, but I also gained the ability to go for about 3 days without sleeping, run 700 miles at a time (slight exaggeration), and eventually felt like (while resting) my heart was going to explode.

I realize medications affect everyone differently, but that stuff is a SERIOUS stimulant.
IMHO, Adderrall should be banned. I took it briefly for my Adult ADD. I did get some focus out of it, but I also gained the ability to go for about 3 days without sleeping, run 700 miles at a time (slight exaggeration), and eventually felt like (while resting) my heart was going to explode.

I realize medications affect everyone differently, but that stuff is a SERIOUS stimulant.

No mention about an erection lasting beyond 4 hours ?

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