A Sailor returns one last time

Hell of a story. I'm glad he made it back.

Thanks, Sarge.
Being a history buff, that was one of the best things about being stationed there, seeing stuff lke that and talking to the old timers. They have great stories
I was lucky, Sarge. My Dad was in the Navy during WWII-Chief Pharmacist's Mate. He served on two tankers, a cruiser, and an admirals yacht and was in both the North Africa and Sicily campaigns as well as multiple convoys in the North Atlantic during the war. He told me many. many tales-some hilarious, some terrifying-his account of watching ammo supply ships and tankers being struck by torpedoes was absolutely hair-raising.

He also had one really outstanding memory. While stationed in Casablanca as SP, an old high school classmate of his was adjutant to a general, which I've forgotten, but he arranged for my dad to be introduced to both FDR and Winston Churchill who were in the city at the time. Quite a memory to have and share, indeed.

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