A Challenge to the 12th Man: Dallas 2010

The Burgundy Ghost

The Starter
Jul 15, 2009
Reaction score
The Shadows of the Unknown
Military Branch
Alma Mater
We interrupt your normally scheduled intelligent football conversation with some blind fan homerism as the Redskins head into the 2010 regular season against the hated Dallas Cowboys. All opinions are of yours truly and may or may not reflect the opinion of anybody else. If you like it-- get loud on Sunday, if you don't get loud anyway!!!! HTTR!

2009 was a terrible, terrible year for the Washington Redskins. A 4-12 final record. 0-6 against the NFC East and a 3-5 record at home. The Skins got brutally beaten by some of our arch rivals at home. You know, it was bad. Our franchise was tarnished from the top down. There was a horrible stain that marked the Burgundy and Gold.

So out went Vinny Cerrato:
(I like Pie!! Heh heh heh heh.)

and Coach Jim Zorn:
(Bye everybody. My new team's colors are Navy Blue and Lavender)

In came new GM Bruce Allen:
(My job is easy, just do the opposite of what Vinny did)

and new Coach Mike Shanahan:

It's only their first year here and you can already notice the changes to the franchise. The attitude is motivated and hungry. The team looks prepared and is moving with a better tempo. They moved to a 3-4 in order to be more aggressive and generate more turnovers. They brought in a new QB (Donovan McNabb) and tried to add some players to actually draft/trade for players to help protect him.

They still have work to do, but slowly they're cleaning up this tarnished franchise. The Redskins are in a process to (hopefully) one day go back to that shining symbol for DC sports to follow that we saw in the 80's and early 90's. But sometimes stains are tough to get out......here's where YOU the 12th Man come in.

Got a tough stain caused last year at home by the Cowboys?



One of the ways we fix things is with a win over Dallas. So remember on Sunday...get stomp your feet, bang your seats and scream 'till you can't scream anymore.


Remember, Jerry Jones is expecting to be hosting the Super Bowl this year as Dallas goes after another Lombardi.

(In Dallas Castle GraySku--- I mean the Lombardi trophy will be mine Ha Ha!)
Let's show Dallas that if they are getting to the Super Bowl, it won't be thanks to us.


Are You With Me?

Let's help give our team as much Home-Field Advantage as possible. Let's get FedEx rocking. Let's make teams not want to play here because of the noise.You hear the crowd noise at the Boise St./VT game? We can do that. Let's make it happen.

:evil:Bring on the 12th Man!!!:evil:

Here's our Sore Throat Crew for the 2010 season. Feel free to become a member.
All Redskins fans attending the game are welcome and even those who just want to scream from home can join in as well.

Members of the Sore Throat Crew:
108: Walking Deadman

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