A Blast from the past....young Vinny

The Burgundy Ghost

The Starter
Jul 15, 2009
Reaction score
The Shadows of the Unknown
Military Branch
Alma Mater
I was doing some You Tube Research for a blog entry and stumbled upon these clips of Vinny from 2000 talking about the plan of the Redskins.

Also Jess Atkinson, Doc Walker (with a flat top?) and a young Chris Samuels.

Enjoy the beginning of the end my friends.......


no way in h3ll im clicking those links!! :cry:

future is NOW baby!! :claps:
understandable mugsy.

I did watch some of both clips and it is funny to see the same reaction that I've seen with Marty, Spurrier, Gibbs 2.0 and Zorn (and now) about how the Redskins are on the right track and we're making changes......
I don't recall the lead up to that draft, but I do remember the Browns being somewhat torn between Brown and LaVar but to telegraph the Samuels pick like that where he is speaking as if he'd already been drafted by the 'Skins just shows the FO cockiness and stupidity at that point in time. What if someone were to have traded up to #1 and taken Chris? He was the only one who truely lived up to his draft status. Amazingly brash and short sighted IMO.
Wow! I got a little sick to my stomach watching those videos.

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