4 Americans murdered by pirates

Burgundy Burner

The Commissioner
Joe Gibbs Club Member
Oct 1, 2009
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Memphis, TN
Alma Mater
Breaking news.

It is time to summon the spirit of Harry S. Pay the ransoms and free the 66 ships currently being held.


Unleash about two dozen nukes up and down that coastline and bit inland. Seriously. Then say to a few others - "Any questions"?
The pirate boat needs to be on the bottom of the ocean. Then we need to park a couple of destroyers off shore and light the known pirate camps up.

Of course, Obama is probably for "pirates rights"
I don't mind if Obama is patient and waits for the all the facts to come out. Once the picture is clear, swift and decisive retribution needs to happen.
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There's no government there to attack. There's no organized anything. That's the problem. Nothing short of occupying Somalia and installing a stable government will change things there. Well, I guess we could just nuke the entire coastline but that's like shooting at a fly with a bazooka. Perhaps a blockade of the coastline with orders to fire upon any craft that sails X-distance from the coast without warning? That's probably too expensive to implement.
I don't mind if Obama is patient and waits for the all the facts to come out. Once the picture is clear, swift and decisive retribution needs to happen.
Posted via BGO Mobile Device

Clear picture? The pirating has been getting progressively worse over the last decade. I don't care if Bush didn't do enough when he was in office, what I do care about is the current President standing up and demonstrating to these thugs the wrath of the United States Military.

Bill Clinton's blunder after the events in Somalia on October 3, 1993 is coming back to haunt this region. After they killed 18 U.S. servicemen that day, we should have swept through and rid that country of many of their warlords. Instead, Bill withdrew our troops making us look like we were retreating with our tails between their legs.

There has been no Centralized Government in that country for more than 20 years. It is a lawless bunch of warlords who see huge profits pirating. As much as I hate to say it, we might need to open another front on the war on terror. Somalia is not only supplying pirates who are killing Americans, it is becoming a haven for another branch of Al Qaeda. Mind you, this branch of Al Qaeda is lead by an American born Muslim.
Well, looks like we "captured" the pirates. Unfortunate. After they killed the hostages, we should have offed them all. I'm still for lighting up the coast
You stomp them one rat nest at at a time. Sure it's small potatoes, but ask the islamists in Pakistan if they aren't getting tired of Hellfires up their asses out of the blue. It has a hell of a psychological impact. Start wiping out the rat nests. Hunt down their "motherships" and destroy them. Make them think before they pull something like this again
The pirate boat needs to be on the bottom of the ocean. Then we need to park a couple of destroyers off shore and light the known pirate camps up.

Of course, Obama is probably for "pirates rights"
He's probably encouraging them to form a union, to get better pay and benefits.

Obama is a great liter, but a terrible leader.
Be some good training for our SEALS. Practice swimming up under their boats, plant explosives, and blow them up!
Are there sharks in those waters? If so I think we should just announce that all the pirates have been released.
I think we should have taken care of the pirates when boarded the ship and found the hostages shot. Since we didn't, I like Alaskan's idea.

I also like Sarge's idea of lighting up the mother ship and any others we find. Time to waken the sleeping giant.
Are there sharks in those waters? If so I think we should just announce that all the pirates have been released.

The Russians did exactly that last year.

Moscow - The Somali embassy in Moscow on Tuesday confirmed the death of 10 pirates released at sea last week by Russian forces off the coast of the Horn of Africa country.
Earlier, an official from Russia's Defence Ministry told journalists that the men were presumed dead since their boat had not reached the shore.
Russian forces had captured the pirates last week in an operation to rescue the tanker Moskovsky Universitet, which was hijacked in the Gulf of Aden.
But the pirates were released on Friday and put in one of their own boats, without weapons or navigation equipment, 300 nautical miles off the coast of Somalia, after Russia said there were no international guidelines for prosecuting the men.

Link: http://www.earthtimes.org/articles/news/323071,somali-pirates-released-by-russian-forces-confirmed-dead.html
The pirates don't give a crap about Obama one way or the other guys. Last time they took Americans hostage we dropped all four of them with snipers. On Obama's orders even (gasp!).

Whomever the hell is President of the US is not the problem. Somalia is the problem. If you want to fix it you have to fix Somalia and to do that we need to not be broke and engaged in two other wars. Passing off the blame to one person in this case is silly.
I *almost* agree with Henry. He is absolutely correct that its difficult to know exactly who to respond against there. But I will also say Hillary Clinton's comments today were pathetic. Telling the loved ones of the four Americans killed by organized thugs/criminals how bad we feel about it - with no other response, in addition to being an inadequate response to the loss of 4 American lives, exudes weakness and invites future acts of piracy. Contrary to popular opinion, the US is not without resources and the ability to do something. Publically assassinating some of these high profile 'warlords' over the next 7-10 days would be a nice start.

Here's another idea. Park a couple of aircraft carriers off the coast for a week and sink every single vessel on the Somali coastline. That might send a pretty emphatic message :)
I have two workmates who took off on a round the world cruise in their sailboat about 4 mos ago. makes me nervous.

but....what's happening South of the border is much more worrisome. what is our President doing about this? at some point...he's going to have to place future Democratic votes against American security in the balance.
Clear picture? The pirating has been getting progressively worse over the last decade. I don't care if Bush didn't do enough when he was in office, what I do care about is the current President standing up and demonstrating to these thugs the wrath of the United States Military.

Bill Clinton's blunder after the events in Somalia on October 3, 1993 is coming back to haunt this region. After they killed 18 U.S. servicemen that day, we should have swept through and rid that country of many of their warlords. Instead, Bill withdrew our troops making us look like we were retreating with our tails between their legs.

There has been no Centralized Government in that country for more than 20 years. It is a lawless bunch of warlords who see huge profits pirating. As much as I hate to say it, we might need to open another front on the war on terror. Somalia is not only supplying pirates who are killing Americans, it is becoming a haven for another branch of Al Qaeda. Mind you, this branch of Al Qaeda is lead by an American born Muslim.

OK, I see the apparent hypocrisy of the above statement...don't challenge Bush and focus on the current President as I challenge Clinton. Ha! I have to admit, Bush dropped the ball on Somalia as well. Out of sight out of mind is not a good foreign policy. Somalia is one of the most dangerous places on earth and needs to be addressed.

I also agree with fansince, what is going on in Mexico is far more dangerous. Notwithstanding the high volume of murders, it was uncovered that Hamas is attempting to get a foothold in Mexico and in the drug trade. That poses are far more dangerous situation than the terror breeding grounds in Somalia.
but....what's happening South of the border is much more worrisome. what is our President doing about this? at some point...he's going to have to place future Democratic votes against American security in the balance.

I agee 100%. While these acts by the pirates need to be dealt with, the drug wars in Mexico has and will continue to have a greater impact on us.

My stepson is in law enforcement. Reading about the different guys in law enforcement being killed worries me. Slowly it will start to creap further and further into our country.

What is it going to take before our President decides something needs to be done?
Well, the Mexican military has been videotaped crossing the border into the US and we haven't done anything. Maybe when they coss over and off some citizens on videotape Obama will get off his ass

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